Regarding LW2, there are also people with invisible disabilities who also need to use the grab bars when getting on and off the toilet, just saying.
Regarding the invisible disabilities, back in 1981 I participated in a demonstration in downtown DC to protest the proposed block grants that would have badly impacted all people with disabilities. During the march to the Capitol building, my chronic condition flared up and one of my knees exploded to the size of a basketball, causing me to be unable to put any weight on that leg at all. One of the other marchers got me a wheelchair so that I could finish the march.
Because I had been able to walk earlier during the march, another marcher started screaming at me for "faking" until I rolled up my pants leg and showed him my basket-ball-sized knee, which shut him up immediately! I looked him square in the eye and said: "See? Not all disabilities are visible!"