Bones, Bagpuss was a cat in a kids' show when I was small, very cute! I don't think he's on TV here anymore but you can still buy the toys - here's a YouTube clip
The one I saw in the garden had the same sort of face but wasn't pink
I hope things go okay on Monday. I find waiting for things I'm anxious about so difficult to deal with. I'm thinking of you Bonesie, lots of love xx xx
That is a cute cartoon with the stop-motion technology that was used way back when. And to see a live cat that resembles Bagpuss....LOL!!!!
I'm still anxious about Monday and I appreciate all the support you can give. Thanks.
I love the old stop motion technology! My son did a workshop recently that used the new versions of everything but I'm going to do some digging and see how we can do it the old way - would be a nice thing to contrast

And yes, that little cat had such a cute face! I haven't seen him again since, I'm assuming some new people must have moved in nearby as I've seen a few new cats over the last couple of weeks. I do love them.
You have every ounce of support and love I have, Bonesie

It's times like these I wish we knew each other in the real world. You guys on here are some of my best friends and I would love to be able to support you the way I would with face to face friends - a nice meal, a trip out to take your mind off things, filling your freezer up with home made food so you can eat well without cooking. I think doing things for people is a nice way to show you care

So I will keep you in my thoughts and hope very much that it all turns out to be nothing and that all is well

xx xx