Dear Bones,
Something I learned about N's, which might help, is apparently N's have abandonment issues about as severe as they get. This usually means that overtly `rejecting' type of behavior will trigger their abandonment issues, cause intense fear, and the desire to pursue you (to make the pain go away). It sounds a bit like this `pursuit' is what is annoying you the most right now? I know that it would feel a bit like `stalking' to me, and I would not like it at all myself, but thats just me. I like to drift away in friendships when I need to, rather than be pursued.
Since you haven't said otherwise, I assume that you want to continue this friendship rather than end it?
If that is the case, do you think that perhaps there could be a way of wording your `rejections' so they don't trigger the N-friends abandonment issues so intensely? Perhaps you could offer a bit of gentle reassurance, such as rescheduling, or not being quite as `blunt'?.
I honestly found it easier to let go of my N-friends myself though, and that would be my best advice. But if is this not what you want, I hope my suggestions will help you
X Bella