Hi Ami,
Hey, I'm feeling a bit better today, so I thought I'd post to this very important topic.
I'm not sure I'm at the point that you are. I'm not sure if I'm READY to need people. I'm not very good at maintaining a friendship.
I just can't relate to a bunch of clothes hungry, gossip mongering women. (I don't count you women on this board as this type).
When I have a close woman friend, she always tends to be OLDER, a mother figure.
We all know why that is.
I'm afraid to let women close. I don't want any male friends, either.
I prefer to be by myself or with my family. (except my NMother, of course)
I've just never had the energy, or patience.
Some days, before my surgery, my husband would beg me to get out of the house. A trip to Wal-Mart is all I can manage, then I feel a distinct pull back to the safety of my house.
I can't say I was always like that, but even when I was younger, I only had one friend at a time & then the friendship would fade away.
My fault, usually.
It's funny, because a lot of women really try hard to be my friend, but I pull away.
I just don't have it in me.
Maybe, in time, all that will change.
I'm not sure I want it to.
I like the way things are. I'm brave on the puter.
Sad, but true.
Ami, I'm just being honest.
And that's SCARY! Letting you people see the REAL me.
I could say all the "right" things, but that would be a lie.
So there it is.