Thanks you,
You know, changing, when patients take everything with a rain of salt, no one is likely to be too concerned, generally speaking. I was the grain of salt type, I expect, and no one became overly concerned? I was 30 and well accustomed to not crying from childhood.
Happy bed making! You may use my invention, free of charge.
Tell me what’s wrong with your printer!!
And Thank you Hope,
I was shy as far back as I can remember, and that is when the others in the family laughed at me, pointed, sniggered, (Dad often set them off), ridiculed and taunted. Therapist believes this to be the beginning of crawling into a hole inside.
Then I developed the fear as well. Fear that everyone would be like the family. I so hated to be singled out.
Thanks cats paw
The video, Johnny Cash, Hurt? I’ve heard the song Hurt, but I heard only once, the song I thought I heard said was what he wrote for June. MANY of Johnnny’s songs used to make me cry. That was ‘cuz they made me think of my daughter’s father, (He’s dead now) I have a couple of his DVDs and lots of CDs—I could try again?
Aww lighter
You want to hug me when I was little—I was never hugged then.
What a sorry life!
Love to all +Hops
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