Author Topic: The Animals we love thread  (Read 1948 times)


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The Animals we love thread
« on: August 15, 2007, 04:11:24 AM »
Does anyone have any stories or pics they would like to share about the animals in their life? Janet, (and everyone!) I would love to hear more about your local wild birds/ wildlife. And I just loved seeing `handsome Henry and hearing about him. I love hearing about people's pets.

I love animals. They make me so happy, to the point where my everyday happiness seems to be proportional to the amount of time I interact with the ones i know and love.

i am looking forward to hearing from you all

X bella


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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2007, 07:59:25 AM »

I hope putting pictures in this reply is going to work...
Anyway, I thought I'd post piccies of my 'babies', that have since died  :cry:

The first one is Pudding. He was a long-haired silver tabby boycat. My NMum used to breed long-haired silver tabbies, but she didn't sell this one, because he was a 'failure', so I had him. (He was born very spindly and weak, and had a U-turn kink in his tail that made the end of his fluffy tail double-thick, so he looked a bit lion-like!) He was also very, very pale for a silver tabby - hardly any markings at all - more like a silver blob than silver tabby. But his temperament was absolutely wonderful. He was such a softie. I had him from when he was six weeks old, and I used to carry him round my flat in the pocket of my dressing gown, like a kangaroo would (not that they wear dressing gowns, but you know what I mean). Trouble was, he wanted to do that when he was an adult, too! I used to 'wear him' like a fur collar, when I did the vacuuming, because he was scared of the vacuum noise.  I lived in a ground floor flat for six years with him, before I moved to a house with stairs - and he NEVER worked out stairs! He used to sit at the bottom and cry to be carried up, and then sit at the top and cry to be carried down...the other cat couldn't teach him, either. He was just always daft as a brush, but so cuddly. He lived till he was 10, and I was so sad when he died of a bladder infection.

My other cat was Gizmo. I got him soon after getting Pudding, to keep him company. Gizmo was a half-breed short-haired silver-spotted, with an outgoing (read: naughty!) temperament, but he was really clever. He could work out how to hook open the fridge door and help himself to chicken leftovers, and then shut the door again! I would hide behind the door to watch him doing it - it was so funny!  I used to put him in for cat shows when he was young, and he got to be a Supreme Grand Champion in his class. I've still got the rosettes to prove it. I was so proud of him. He used to adore being shown - he'd show off in front of any audience.

When I lived with my NBoyfriend, the boyfriend took a dislike to Gizmo in particular, and was very spiteful towards him. Once, he dragged him out from behind the cooker, breaking his tail in two places (either side of the hand grip). It paralysed him from the middle downwards for a couple of days, and the vet thought I might have to have him put down then (at 4 months). But another vet came in and tried 'feeling' along the spine, like a chiropractor does, and she managed to put the nerves back in properly, so he lived to be 17 eventually, with no lasting side-effects from using up one of his lives so young!

When he had to be put down at the age of 17, I took him home afterwards and held him until his body went stiff, I just couldn't believe he'd gone.

Weren't they lovely??



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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2007, 08:42:51 AM »
Janet, I can't believe someone could be so cruel. I love the pictures.
How sweet they are! And CB, I love your stories... I wonder what happened to your baby's paw???
We are keeping a wildlife journal here as we are near the woods and see so much. We caught a box turtle and kept him for about a week. The kids named him Fred and he was so cute. Also, one day I walked a tiny bit into the woods near our house barefoot while I was waiting for Henry to do his thing... well, I heard a noise and looked down and there was a small unfamiliar snake beside me eating bugs from some tall grass. I watched it for a minute but was pretty sure it was poisonous, so baked up, went home and looked it up. It was a juvenile copperhead!!!
Thanks for the new thread, Bella (and we have an older one that has about 8,000 stories on it!!  LOL
Love, Beth
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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2007, 08:45:53 AM »
Thank you for the laugh-out-loud CB!

I would awaken in the middle of the night to the sound of the cupboard door slamming over and over again.

I miss my cat, Visa. She was so sweet. Went through 7 moves with us, lived in 5 houses in three states, and was beyond patient. She was very small, so small people remarked on it. Tortoise. I painted my kitchen once to match her lovely apricot and gray coat.

I developed a cat allergy in the last 6 months of her life. But I remember a British immunologist I interviewed for a chapter on allergies telling me once there's a sure cure. It was such common sense. Start with young kitten/s. Once a week, in the shower with Mum --water flowing gently--hold them up and give them a simple shampoo along with a cuddle Starting so little, they'll put up with it and be used to it --think it's a normal routine (in the wild, some cats swim). And then you'll keep the dander from ever accumulating, and poof, no allergies!

Don't have photos handy that are scanned, alas. Will find one.

Hops (and thank you Bella for the thread!)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2007, 09:45:50 AM »

All my family were allergic to both dogs and cats...but it didn't stop us having 7 cats and a dog - we just sneezed a lot! I got my pet fur allergy completely cured about five years ago by a homeopath, who gave me a week's course of Carbo Veg, which worked like magic (I'd never been to a homeopath before, and didn't believe it would work). I'm not allergic at all now.



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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2007, 10:24:23 AM »
Oh, I love my pets.  First we had one dog.  A lab mix we got at the shelter.  She was about three and very shy-scared.  Must have been abused.  But we would leave her home all day alone so we decided we were going to get another dog to be her companion.  So the next week my daughter comes home with a black kitty.  Then a week later we go and get a Rhodesion Ridgeback male puppy.  He thought and still thinks he is in charge of everyone!!!  Then a few months later my daughter called on the last day of school and said a lady brought a van with several kitties in the back.  They were only about 8 weeks old as the mother had been run over by a car.  I said no but my husband said yes.  So now we have four pets.  Our house is a zoo!  Three girls and the male dog who chases the others around.  I never had cats but I love my kitties.  They are so funny!!  In the morning one gobbles and jumps up on me and kisses my nose.  I rub her head.  The other cat jumps on your lap when you are on the computer....a bit annoying....

So my friend calls me and says "I cannot think of anyone else who would be crazy enough to do this but would you watch our dog for a week?"  I said yes and added Rosey to the mix!!

This is why we are moving to a house with land.  So the animals do not take over the house - as they have here!

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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2007, 01:03:36 PM »

i feel the same way about fact, i often feel like i can love and be closer to animals than to humans. 

i have two tuxedo cats who are brother and sister, age 10.  i've had them since they were 6 weeks old.  their names are Mr. Mao Mao Whiskers, and Ms. Neko Fuzzbutt!  :)

xoxox, nmmg


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Re: The Animals we love thread
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2007, 06:52:15 AM »
I borrowed the big white poofy dog again.... so glad to have her again. 


She loves me, not the girls but she lets them lead her around and brush her and love on her..... very patient and kind to them. 

She follows me like a puppy though and it warms my heart to have her at my feet with the girls loving on her.  Very nice!

Perfectly house trained, sits at hand command and makes me feel safe safe safe: )