Author Topic: N + addiction  (Read 935 times)


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N + addiction
« on: August 16, 2007, 12:28:36 PM »
I have noticed - at least in my life - that N's have frequently been abused, then they become Ns, and they develop addictions. Sometimes the last two are simultaneous, but most frequently the N behavior is well established before the addictions show up. Addictions to many things - substance abuse, shopping, house cleaning, lying, anger - you name it. From what little I know of addiction, I've heard the more addictions a person has, the earlier the abuse was and more of it.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or have I just been "lucky" enough to encounter some really sick Ns?

My mother is addicted to social appearances and hoarding money; my XN was/is addicted to alcohol, drugs, and sex.
"An unexamined life is a wasted life."
Time wounds all heels.


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Re: N + addiction
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2007, 01:42:12 PM »
Hi towrite,

Yes, I do agree there is a corelation.  XN had alcoholic father and N mother who took prescription pills all the time.  Xn is I believe addicted to drama, chaosis, porn and supply and anger, nearly forgot that one.  It took me some time to figure out about the porn addiction....... he would spend hours working on his computer late at night!!! it was by accident I figured out the porn addiction, which he told me was really nothing to do with him it was some evil spirit which possessed him was making him mastrubate to the porn!!!!!!!!  Well, you know Ns THEY cannot do anything wrong.  Sam V(not my fav person) writes about their terror of boredom or the ordinary and I think this is common with addicts.  Think you are on the right path.



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Re: N + addiction
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2007, 02:25:41 PM »
The N, here, was adopted by a couple who were over age 40, and very strict Mennonites

He constantly heard, eavesdropping, from other family members that he did not belong and would only bring the parents heartache. So he set out to fulfill the prophecy

He got into trouble with the boys he hung out with, stealing, smoking, and doing dangerous things. He stole out of the coat pockets of his parents' visitors, and from hisown father's store.

When he was 9 he was lured into the park by a pedophile, who got him drunk--and each did the other.

The parents hid this for the sake of the family. He felt betrayed and began going daily to the park, drinking and ----with this dirty old man. (This made me sick to know.)

To jump forward, N is an alcoholic, and I also suspect is Bi-

There is more but it's too disgusting to write. He had his hard drive connected to mine, not knowing I knew how to access his files. He was an enigma to me, not knowing he was an N, so I downloaded a file that was 45 pages of a description of his disgusting life.