Author Topic: Major Breakthrough in Understanding  (Read 2844 times)


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Re: Major Breakthrough in Understanding
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2007, 11:25:52 AM »

I had a discussion with a group recently on Crime/Justice/Punishment.  The topic moved to people who don't care about anyone and who will do anything to get what they want.  I asked the group if they thought there were people out there who had no conscience, to my amazement most of them said that they had encountered someone like this in their lives.  Only, one person in the group of 10 said that they believed there was good in everyone.  The others described experiences of having known people who would stop at nothing, who cared about noone but themselves, in essence they described Ns.  This was a real mixed bunch of people, age, gender etc.  While they did not use the word Narcissism this is what they were talking about.  They were also very clear about not wanting anything to do with this type of person.  Seems the world is waking up to Ns, feel a bit comforted by this.



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Re: Major Breakthrough in Understanding
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2007, 12:27:25 PM »
Sorry to take so long to answer your question. I had to get through the visit and then detox for a bit. It was a crazy-making visit in that she hid her true colors for the most part. I think she was careful because my husband and my dad were here and she doesn't like to piss of men, especially. She fancies that my husband thinks she is special, too, I am sure.
At any rate, I mean that while I envision that she has these malicious thoughts about me all the time, almost all of the time she is really completely unconcerned about me. And when I said I was boring, I meant to her (although sometimes I do start to feel it when I let it sneak through...). She changes the subject whenever I bring up something she doesn't know about, calls my sister constantly (yet she says she "forgets" that she can call me - and whenever she does, she says she has to use a calling card or some such thing). My parents took the kids to an amusement park and she had to call my sister and laugh and giggle with her on the phone about this and that for a half an hour while there. Basically, every rude thing that she has told me not to do, she does while with me.
I also caught her in a million lies and heard a million made-up stories. Now that I know she lies, it is so easy to see it. And my family - mother, father and sister, delight in ragging on people - something I do not enjoy at all. If I don't like a person, I stay away. What is the point of surrounding yourself with annoying people and then bitching about them? They love the drama, all of them. I think it is juvenile and stupid. I left high-school a long time ago. My sister loves to come home from work and talk about how annoying her patients were. My mother told me about this dream that she had where she was trying to go do something she wanted and an old lady fell in front of her and, because she is a nurse she felt she had to help and she was so irritated that she had to waste her time helping the person.
She also made statements all week, like "Your kids probably don't even know who Adma and Eve are," "There's a pretty song on the radio, I know you won't play THAT one," and so on...
And, by the way, my kids proceeded to tell her about Adam and Eve (they have read the kids' version of the Bible and we talk about it, of course). And the song I had glossed over was a Weird Al song I thought she might not enjoy... but I played it for her since she "asked." I didn't let her get to me and she pulled no really crazy moves this time.
My kids had a great visit with my parents - they adore my dad. They asked why they couldn't stay longer - I don't think they figured out that my parents are going on vacation with their friends and decided they couldn't spare more than thee days. My daughter explained to my son that they "had to go back to work."
There's my story. If you made it through, thank you!!!!!
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Major Breakthrough in Understanding
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2007, 01:56:31 PM »
woah Ami, you are spot on!
you are so right; my N parents hated anything REAL; real feelings, real problems, oh no we don't talk about or face THOSE!
i think thats why my N F  has always bullied me; i've been 'real' since i was a kid !
real bonding is definately one that i always wanted, too, and never, ever got.
thank you for your insight!!


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Re: Major Breakthrough in Understanding
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2007, 02:24:21 PM »
Dear Enough,
  I read Sociopaths Among Us"It put in to perspective what I want for my life. I want and value bonding. MY M so "stole my guts out from  me"that I did not KNOW what I wanted or who I was.
   This book showed me that I value bonding
    My M ridiculed me for this that I did not even know that it was important( the most important value) that I have.
    She made me feel like I was "stupid" and 'naive" for wanting bonding. So, I thought that I didn't even want it. Now, I see that this idea was ALL from her---- not me.
    The Trick-in healing (IMO)is to undo ALL of the old N ideas. So much easier said than done--- HUH?        Love to you      Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung