Dear Authentic.
That post has so much profound wisdom in it. I think that a BIG part of what you are saying is that we have to face ourselves--honestly. We have to see the depths of "evil" that lurks in our own soul. We have to come face to face with the same "evil" in us that the abusers had. I think that I used to be able to see myself honestly. That is why I was healthy.
Then,I started feeling guilty for every emotion that I had that was "not good"( My M defined "good"). I would have felt really guilty if touching my M made my skin crawl. My M had gotten in my head and was controlling me by "remote control--lol.In other words, I could not have my feelings anymore. This was the biggest violation of me. I had to have perfect feelings.
This is my biggest struggle ,now. I STILL feel very guilty for"bad" feelings. My actions are usually good, I feel very condemned for "bad' feelings like you had with your mother when she touched you. That is my dilemma. My M and H can do whatever they want BUT I AM BAD if I FEEL any "bad' feeling about it.I am condemned by THEM and MYSELF if I feel anger, dislike, revulsion etc,etc. That is the core of my sickness- right there.I cannot feel my feelings OR I FEEL GUILTY. I hate myself for bad feelings. (WOW- Thank you Authentic)
I see that the freedom is in facing the 'devil" within. I see that your have to be honest with yourself about who and what you are. I am only just beginning to do this.
Thank you for saying that I am already 'on the road".I think that I am. Your support felt really good. Thank you.
I can see why many voices here were not comfortable with you. You have suffered deeply AND healed deeply. The people who want "sweety- sweet" would not want your brand of healing. I DO, though. Thank God for your voice, It gives me so much strength.
Maybe people's life lesson is to face themselves and their own evil within. Great literature discuses this. Maybe, this is a big part of the life journey to being a "whole person. I want to be a whole person, for sure. THANK YOU Authentic for leading the way . Right now, I am so angry at the people who tried to shame you off the board. We need to fight anyone who tries to shame a newcomer. That will be our way to get "revenge". I am really, really, really ,really angry . Ami