Hi Really Me,
I was the one who recommended that book. And coincidentally, I just recently found my copy!
I was looking through it because I tend to underline and asterisk passages that I find especially compelling.
I put an asterisk by this: (Pg. 46 The Narcissistic Continuum)
"Two variables influence the course of all intimate relationships. On one hand, there is a sense of separateness and autonomy, a freedom of action. On the other hand is the universal desire for an occasional regression to a state of 'symbiotic fusion' - perfect understanding by a loving other (Shor and Sanville, 1978; Horner, 1986) Finding an acceptable balance between these two desires is the dilemma of love relationships."
This is what I find is the core of this book.
And the core of deciding about a relationship.
Is there a balance between having a "self" that is independent and self-reliant and outspoken - and then is there also a drawing together in times of stress and confusion?
I think a relationship is worthwhile if there is a level of support and a level of comforting each other.
There are ALOT of underlines and asterisks in my copy of the book, so if I see anything else that might prove relevant - I'll jump back in, if you like.