She actually called me in Japan to ask me if I wanted her to 'hold' my present (a bracelet that she coveted and dad must have picked out for me). That was one of two times she called me there in 4 years.
Now that sounds like my mother!
And I remember the shopping trips when I was very young... to what I'd consider more exlusive department stores... and there'd be some small item selected for me (a pair of tights?), while she'd go home with several new dresses which she'd promptly stash away in her closet. I always felt that she was hiding this stuff from Dad, but I had no clue why... he is a very generous man.
Now I understand. It wouldn't have suited her "martyr image" for anyone to know how really well she was taking care of herself.
She's alot more blatant about it all now... always and only the best for herself, including with eye, dental, and medical care... while dad is not supposed to need anything and often picks up his shoes at the church rummage sale.
I had to laugh at this, too, Beth:
and it has to be something she wouldn't want or else she will keep it. Oh, if I had a dollar for every time she's told me that she wanted to get one of (whatever) for me, too, but they didn't have another.
Now I understand that, too. She's not satisfied to just have something that she likes/enjoys. She must also be sure that the person she envies does NOT have whatever it is... and KNOWS it! Phooey, who has time to live such a withered, anal existence? Not I. Nickname for N = PuckerButt.
