i guess that the board is like life. When I read Hops calling authentic 'malignant",loose canon etc, it hit me at the time as "off". Izzy has said very mean things to me,but no one called her any of these names. I don't care .It means nothing to me what she calls me .
If you didn't care you wouldn't be posting about it on Iphi's thread

I haven't seen Izzy refer to you, much less post in your direction lately.... and the last posts I read were very kind.
Maybe I missed something?
If you insist on living in the past.... then live there but I'm a bit bizzy so I won't be doing it
with you.
There are posters here who are very comfortable posting with you.... I'm glad.
I don't want you to feel unsupported.
I also don't want you to remain mired.... which is why I stopped posting with you after I said everything I needed you to hear.
Posting to you, in the manner you require, would make me feel like I'm helping you
remain mired.
I don't like how that feels and I enjoy posting with those, like changing and tayana, who are healing in a manner I can identify with and support.
I don't even want to debate the 'deep healing' vs. 'shallow healing' issue.
I would be very unhappy to see you lable anyone's healing experiences
inadequate or beneath what you consider to be
true healing. I got news for ya.... it's two steps forward and one step back... and so it goes.
It won't ever be
perfect.If your holding out for that final revelation.....
that final shock that really allows you to BE you again....
it's not coming.
Healing comes in waves and rolls you about.... skinning you up and holding you under...... and when you least expect it.... you pop up and find you can breath again.
Then the waves start again.
Intellectualizing the waves to death is intellectualizing... not healing, IMO.
We learn and we grow and we do.... well..... by DOING.
And since Iphi's thread is throughouly jacked now... and you've started this wonderful forum of critiquing others.....
It's also very frustrating that you
don't take your own advice. You have plenty and you give it often and it's very good.
My interpretation, of course, but I'm entitled to that.... at least as I see it.
Izzy and Hops and everyone else on this board, including you, is entitled as well?
You could make excuses for everyone here for any and every post they make.
Why excuse one....
and not another?
I've also set a boundary,
don't attribute meaning to my posts, I did not intend. Please ask for clarification if you need to, that's fine.
I believe that's a fair request and I've spoken my truth.
Everyone here has a right to set and enforce boundaries, speak their truth and feel supported.
Even those who can't support your particular journey.
Sorry Iphi.
::handing thread back::