Dear Dawning,
You asked if these drugs are good for inertia. If by inertia you mean that you just can't do anything, sit on the couch and veg, etc. then I ask if you might actually be depressed? And calling it inertia?
I was in denial about my own depression for a year and a half. If I hadn't stared getting panic attacks, I probably wouldn't have done anything about it. I mean it's kind of like the chicken and the egg, isn't it. I don't feel like doing anything, so why would I bother doing anything about my depression ? It's kind of funny if it weren't so paralyzing. And believe me, I was paralyzed.
See, I could function with my depression though, I always went to work. I didn't do much else though. When the panic started, that interfered with everything and I never knew when it would hit. No control at all is very scary.
The drug that I was prescribed (Paxil) treats both anxiety and depression. And like I said in yesterday's post, it did help me. It allowed the symptoms to go away so that I could look for apartments, pack, call a mover, stand up to my NH without dissolving into sobs and mush. So yes, it helped my inertia. I never would have gotten out from under the N without it. I said previously, it can also deaden your emotions. When I was on it, I almost never cried, even when I wanted to. This made me feel somewhat like a robot. I don't like not being able to feel what I'm feeling. Before, I was feeling too much and couldn't get past that. So, it enabled me to break the cycle. And for that I am grateful. Maybe you might want to talk to a professional about it.