Hi. Thanks everyone for giving me some practical ideas on grieving. Again, it is SO nice to know I am not alone. I will even remember your grieving - and I'm sorry you had to go through it - when I'm taking all those showers, etc. My heart feels as big as a house now because you have shared.

CB. Hi.
Is the married fellow the same one that you were posting about in December?
No, no. The married fellow was my husband and we divorced many, many years ago. I haven't seen him since 1998 but we've tried to remain friends. But it is not going to happen. I finally realized this. There is literally NO trust there and there hasn't been for some time; just took my stubborn mind (and fear of grieving, perhaps

) to fully "get it." Fully.
As for the man I was posting about before: he is still in my life but from a distance. We are getting along well, have decided to put all plans for marriage and co-habitation on hold until he seeks and explores ways of healing himself. I told him that I would help him do this but I would NOT take any form of verbal abuse. This was back in March. He hasn't screamed at me since then or verbally "beat me up." At this point, we are calling each other "friends." I've made it clear that I will help him explore his issues but not at the expense of giving up my life and all the things I want to accomplish; the giving back to the community and being part of a community that is more familiar to me (as I grew up in U.S. -southern - culture). I'm really looking forward to exploring/creating all the opportunities that have been waiting for me come to then (like going to Grad School, maybe). and, as Hops said, I don't need a "cramped spirit" standing in my way. I've made that clear to him. It felt good to make that clear to him. I had the feeling of I
am not so afraid of being alone that I will be projected upon and take a barrage of verbal abuse. I told him flat out, THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT. MAYBE SOMEONE ELSE WANTS IT BUT I DON'T.
I apologize for straying off the topic of grieving just a little to tell you the latest with Mr. Kayak (let's call him that

And I will be back in the states very soon. Before Halloween!