Author Topic: I am Mary aka dove  (Read 3055 times)


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I am Mary aka dove
« on: September 14, 2007, 05:07:44 PM »
Have been looking over all posts about myself and Kay, aka jodi and X.  I am very disturbed over all I have read posted about me by ReallyMe, Laura.  Laura long ago asked me to come to this board and post, so, I decided to come on over.  Again I am utterly shocked and feel voiceless over what I have read here.

I will post again, when I have completed my study of everything posted reguarding my family, along with Kays aka jodi and Xs' family.

Have a blessed day, your all worthy of dignity and respect! Post real soon,

StandingUp (refered to as dove, and Kay)


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2007, 05:28:34 PM »
Dear Mary,
   I believe Laura. I have come to respect and trust what she says. I believe  all that she has written about all the people in her life.
  If someone who had abused me so vilely ever came on the board  and did what you did, there would be no words to express what a violation that was.
  To me, you are showing that you are an abuser by coming here and trying to violate Laura again.
 I think that it and you are despicable .                                                      Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 09:56:45 PM »
God give me the strength if My Mother ever came here and posted. POOR LAURA                    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2007, 11:37:03 PM »
I'll post when I have more time to go over all this that I am reading through. I don't think that is to much to ask of me as to NOT jump to conclusions without accurate data.  My name is Robin, ReallyMe (Laura) refers to me as dove and Mary in her posts.  I have the right to my feelings of being shocked to read some of these things as I was invited by Laura to come be involved with this board. I never asked anyone to question my motives to coming to this board, I am sorry if being here and reading offends anyone.  However, I too was rendered voiceless, so this is a good thing for me to open up and join in. Ami you have the right to espress your feelings, they are valid, at the same time, I can't be voiceless anymore either. So, just as yours and everyone elses positions here are valid, so are mine. My "salutation", well, ummmm if I just read all this, would you not agree that it would be better to hold on what I post until I trust that I am not reacting out of emotions, rather than just taking time to process these things first?  For me, I think it is best to hold and post when I am sure of what I want to say.
I hear ya, and take no offense to your defense for Laura, nor am I offended by the comment, "To me, you are showing that you are an abuser by coming here and trying to violate Laura again.
 I think that it and you are despicable . Ami
Anyway, you have a great and blessed weekend and, I'll post again soon.
StandingUP - - - Robin


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2007, 12:08:18 AM »
I think it's a GOOD thing for Robin to tell whatever she needs to of her side of thngs.  Every person has a right to a voice, and, yes to dignity and respect for sure.



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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2007, 01:13:09 AM »
I just want to say something, since I was told that it's ok to express my feelings by someone on this board.

To anyone i have shared about:

YOu have NO IDEA how it hurts to have things happening in my life that I'd LOVE to share with you all.  My daughter, Anna is pregnant now and I would have loved to be able to run to the phone and tell you all about it.  I have new jobs in my life and I've had some neat things going on, but, because my "friends" decided that if I was going to speak out against the injustices in life, that I was to be cut out of their lives, I can't come to you anymore and share.  That HURTS deeper than any physical wound ever could.

So, now, be free to tell the other side of things.  You have that RIGHT and  you always have had it.  I still love each and every one of you and that will remain forever...only when you speak your truth...speak the truth in love.  That's all I ask.



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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2007, 09:42:33 AM »

Robin never abused me in the name of God.  We ministered to other people together online and offline, but she never used God to hurt me in any way.  There were some passive-aggressive emotional issues as far as my past with her, but I do have to step in and say she does not and did not use any sort of spiritual abuse against me.

Even Kay's issues were more emotional than anything else.  I think these were women who were made to grow up way too quickly, put on a public image in wealthy families, and never really learned how to fully connect to another human being in a positive way...except maybe their husbands and children to an extent.  In the friendship area, it was very difficult for me mostly with Kay.  Robin did the best she could in the duration of the friendship.

She was kind to my daughters and myself and she was a wonderful hostess.  The problems came from online and my tendency to point out concerning behaviors of people.  When people learned to keep secrets about molestation, abuse, dysfunctions, and someone like me comes along and wants to EXPOSE the problems, well, I'm not well liked at that point.

I've accepted that role in life.  I'm one of the ones who does not turn my head when something is wrong.  I SCREAM, I YELL, I DECREE THAT IT MUST STOP!  I'm a friend to victims and an enemy to perpetrators.  If the people I tried to help were not thinking emotionally and defensively at the time I stepped in, I would never have come to this board.


Gaining Strength

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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 09:44:20 AM »
I have not been posting much lately but I am struck by this dialogue.  Standing Up states that Really Me asked her to come to this board and post and Really Me confirms that. I am confused about why Standing Up is being attacked based on this fact.  

Those of us here have all been the victims of abusive behavior that has dramatically affected our lives.  Most of us are very, very sensitive.  But I implore us to carefully consider what we post, that we think carefully before we react emotionally so that we might avoid attacking another in this forum that is a haven from abuse.  

I want to make this point - Standing Up is being straight forward about who she is and how she came to post here.  She is not using abusive nor demeaning language.  I hope that we can work hard to avoid using language that is angry and attacking even when we are upset.  I hope this for many, many reasons, not the least of which is that by doing so we arre lifting ourselves up higher than those who were so unkind to us.

Gaining Strength


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2007, 10:38:29 AM »
I am sorry but I do not think it wise to invite people to this board - especially if they are part of any dynamic.  I could never invite my mom or aunt or husband.  There are hundreds of posts on here that mention all of them.  I might think I didn't say anything derogatory about them but who knows if I was PMSing and irritated about something.  My mom told me that if you write something down..............especially in take the risk of it coming back to bite you.  I have always considered this a safe place where I could vent to a bunch of strangers - people who I only know through this forum.  Yes, we bond some but I don't make plans to meet - at least not yet.... :lol:

So Really Me and Robin???  I think it best that you two get together for coffee and work this thing out.  We really do not know either one of you.  We have known Laura for quite some time from the board so she naturally has allies.  But Robin??  We do not know you and you are coming in and trying to plead your case to people who have only heard one side for a long time.

I do not know who is right.  There are always different perspectives on everything.  My mom and I see things sooooo differently.  I think she is crazy and I assume she feels the same about me.  I feel she NEEDS to be in the limelight.............she feels she is giving back from her experience.  I think she is a phoney.  She thinks I walk around and don't do anything.  It is a matter of perspective.  BUT I DO know that perspective is reality.  My perspective on my mom is my reality.  She doesn't admit it or own a thing, but that doesn't take away from how it makes me FEEL.  So the healing comes when I can accept the things I cannot change.  I have had people validate my perspective and that feels good.  But that is what we all want - validation.

And that's all I have to say about that......(Forrest Gump)

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2007, 11:19:19 AM »
What I find odd about it, is that....

this is ReallyME's safe place.

She invited someone to it and they had a disagreement.

Standing should have left and stayed gone, IMO.

Coming back here, to ReallyME's safe place, and pleading her case is just so.....


about proving ReallyME, wrong... IMO.

I don't know that Standing's intentions are about finding healing from abuse if her goal is to 'plead her case' to us.

Nice of ReallyME to desire that for her friend, though.

We're not Judges or Jurors, though. 

We're people who care about ReallyME and Standing doesn't care about me or my time or my struggles.

I simply don't understand what's to be gained here :shock:

Are we supposed to sit in judgement and referee, lol.....



And what does Standing gain if we agree with her?

Like I said.... she doesn't, as far as I know.... care about us or what we think.

What is to be gained... me thinks.... is lowering ReallME and taking away her safe place?

Maybe not but......

I'm sure it'll be an interesting ride. 


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2007, 03:02:23 PM »
Good day to you all! Just so it is known upfront, I have a passive/aggressive personality, been molested and raped,  been in treatment for Anorexia in 91.  Went several years in recovery with my 12 step plan of action to stand against falling into that trap again and, of course then in 97 I was hit with Generalized Dystonia . . . (A neurological movement disorder).  After all that happened which has been already spoken about on this board with RM, Jodi, X, me dove, Mary and Kay, and RM calling the CPS on my family which is now totally destroyed . . . I fell off the wagon! I  began drinking again and stopped eating. Up to this past Christmas when my husband became aware, (as I was not hidding it with anyone at that point) noticed I was not doing good,we talked about it and I jump started my tools to get back to where I am now, in full recovery again.  Thus the name I chose, StandingUP.
It was not my intent to tear anyone down on this board, who am I to do that to anyone?  I might not be the type of person others are here, and maybe I am perceived as coming here to attack and render RM voiceless, but I assure you that was not my intent.  I received RMS offlines on yahoo last week as I have not been online for quite a long time, RM, you invited me to several, "good Worship rooms on Paltalk", but  I just did not want to go back to that place again.  Sooooooooooo, I remembered you asking me on several occasions to come and join this group a long time ago. That is how I landed here.  I hope that anyone reading these posts might understand now why I felt maybe I might want to come here and see what it was about.
Yes I will admit to being shocked and taken back by what I have read because that is a truthful and a valid feeling. RM (Laura), I will NOT tear you down for what you have written here, as YOU know I have always lived by my own recovery tools and always have encouraged you or anyone to voice their feelings as they are valid.  it is my hope that you do find healing here, there, or wherever, so you can move on in your life to be the best person you can be.T
he first time I came here the other day, I was reading all that was posted about me "dove/Mary, and, jodi, X, and Kay."  I am sad to see that everyone spoken of all have a diagnosis of an "N, PTSD, OCD, MPD, BPD" and whatever else named disorder.  IS IT POSSIBLE (just a question), that you may be assuming, and labeling others in order to cope with things in your own life? I am guilty for doing the same thing after I got out of treatment, I was looking at everyone around me and anyone who looked skinny, I was calling them anorexics! WAS I (just a question) doing that with full facts, or WAS I just wanting to feel I was not the only one in this crazy world who battled it and therefore, every skinny person around had an eating disorder?? Aren't We all human, make mistakes, fall short a lot of times, and just plain make WRONG WILLFULL DECISIONS and CHOICES?  For me, that answer is YES, it's not by anyones doing but by my own.
In closing, I did not answer your email RM that you sent letting me know you had called CPS on my Sister because I felt that it was wrong to take that into your own hands without knowing how things were being handled by J and me alreadyand others in our family.  I will not argue that point, it's over and the damage is already done.  My family has problems, but I choose to speak life over them, I'm glad I went through all this now, looking back I can now say I learned a lot of things I did that were wrong, I've taken a long time to examine my own heart, and have repented from ever allowing myself to fall into judgmental thoughts towards others. Therefore, I did not wish to speak to you after that, (avoidant personality or whatever phycological name you use for that behavior)  combined with all the past history that again has already been posted here on this forum that you now have removed. I have made a conscious decision to not involve myself in your life, I hate issues and constant upheaval of my peace.  And now realize that it is not anyone that can steal my peace and render me voiceless, but one person, that person is myself.
I truly pray you find healing, and healthy friends to hang with here or wherever, and may you all be blessed with many friends who you relate to.  I truly am sorry for hurting you Laura in walking away, I do have feelings just as you all do, but to protect myself from past stumbling blocks that cause me to fall . . .I'll stop here, it's time now for me to just "SitDown!"
Have a blessed day and just make today count for something, do the next best thing for yourself, you are all valuable and worthy of dignity and respect.


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2007, 03:20:28 PM »
that was interesting SU.

You sound like you've had a tough journey and I wish you health and healing.

Hopefully you and RM feel better..... have more clarity and peace. 


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2007, 04:10:08 PM »
Like I said, Robin is NOT a bad person.  She has always done what she could to deal with her issues, even though, while doing so, I'd be wounded by her tendencies of passive-aggressiveness.  I do NOT believe those times were incidents she could help.  Seeing her suffering with dystonia DEVESTATED me, because I couldn't stop her from hurting.  I even prayed for her and her body continued to twist and she would stop breathing for minutes at a time.  It was TERRIFYING to me to see someone I so dearly loved enduring such excruciating pain without much relief.

Robin mentioned that up to this past Christmas, at which time her husband became aware, she fell off the wagon.  It must be understood that alcohol was sometimes used to dull pain.  I know it, I've seen it, and I understand it.  She does the best she can to cope with things and sometimes it gets the best of her, as with all of us who have any sort of addictive struggles.

I am glad to hear you are using your tools and have opened up about the things you were going through.  I kept it secret from your husband as you requested, because I didn't want you to end our friendship.  I now apologize for not having told him sooner.  In the end, you left anyway, so, anything I would have said that ended the family secrets or broke that silence, would have ended our friendship.  That's what is clear to me.

I am glad you did finally visit this place.  Yes, these people have been through things similar to you and some just too awful to think about .  The point is, we here, have learned to address our issues and break the silence that holds us all bound.  The "don't talk don't tell" rule is not in force in this place.  That is why I've stayed here.  Feel free to stay or to depart as is in your best interest.

I understand your being taken aback and shocked at what I have written here, but it is a support group and we are free to share openly among one another.  It is no different than our groups online of years ago.  We all have been supporting, correcting, encouraging one another in this forum as that is what it's for.  We are all at different stages of healing as well, from the abuses we have endured.  Not only are people often shocked to read what is shared, but people were shocked to experience the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual abuse of the predatory figures in their lives.

I appreciate you wishing me well in my life, Robin.  I am working toward being the best person I can be, whom God created me to be.  It's just sad that you and I could not have worked through things in a healthier way than how it all ended, but I also consider YOUR needs and struggles as valid and understandable.  The things you have endured are just dreadful and damaging, and I have a respect for you always being able to admit when those things influenced some sort of painful reaction and behavior.

You did pose a good question to the board here.  Is it possible that I and everyone else here, is just labeling people narcissistic or borderline or avoidant, etc, because we had dealt with those issues?  I have to say that is IS indeed possible.  I also have to say that by giving something a name, it identifies it and takes some of the sting of the uncertainty for the behaviors away from it and away from the human being displaying them.  My heart has always been to "hate the sin, love the sinner"  I feel that giving behaviors a name, one is better able to do that.  In the past, out of anger, I did a lot more labeling.  People here can tell you that I used to think EVERYONE was a narcissist.  I am to a place now of discussing behaviors than in wanting to see PEOPLE as damaged merchandise, so to speak.  As Kay once told me "hurting people hurt people"

Another reason I label, is because people who DO have these disorders, are generally in DENIAL of those issues.  By stating what the behavior is, it thus EXPOSES it and sometimes causes a person to consider that they need help.  WIth a true Narcissist however, the response is usually something of denial, aggression and projection, rather than reaching out and considering that they need help.  Sad, but true.  The next response will be for them to punish the person who dared to notice the issue and then usually replace them with a person who doesn't address it and goes along with it.  (thus, the dance of codependency)

In closing, I did not answer your email RM that you sent letting me know you had called CPS on my Sister because I felt that it was wrong to take that into your own hands without knowing how things were being handled by J and me alreadyand others in our family.

I would like to point out here that I was told that things were addressed with the authorities, but they refused to get the teen out of the abuse, and that, because of the repurcussions that might come back on Robin, through her mother and sister and others, she didn't want to involve anyone else.  So, yes, actually I did know how things were being handled by you and J.  You had informed that nothing was being done and I told you "then I WILL STEP IN AND SAVE YOUR NEICE!"  Thus, I did my best to do so, by calling/writing CPS, Dr Phil, 20/20, local news stations...ANYONE TO SAVE THAT PRECIOUS LIFE THAT WAS BEING THROW TO THE FLOOR BY A MENTALLY UNSTABLE WOMAN and abused.  I would do so again if it meant losing another friend and saving the life of a child.

Now, as you will see in the end of Robin's post, she is again saying "goodbye" to me, letting me know that I did damage and so she does not want me in her life.  ANyone here can call me "clingy" "possessive" whatever.  My way with relationships is to FIGHT to keep them together, not to say "well you hurt me so GOODBYE" but that again, is a passive aggressive issue that does not really lend well to healthy friendships that last a lifetime.  It was a common occurrence with the people I've mentioned, that, once you wronged them or they had to look at a deep flaw, the response was withdrawl of affection or out and out desertion...ignoring phone calls, blocking instant messages, turning friends against people...not healthy ways to work through disagreements with someone you once claimed was "the only one I can trust"  See below:

.I have made a conscious decision to not involve myself in your life, I hate issues and constant upheaval of my peace.

Not a pleasant thing to hear once again, although of course it is your choice.  It's just more of the same old behavior "you told so I'm gone."  At this point, even though it hurts deep down inside that you don't choose to be my friend, again, as when you came back the last time, I MUST accept your RIGHT to be with whom you choose.  I'm a relational person...always have been, but when someone does not want to be with me, because they know I will take charge when abuse is happening, that spells out something about them, not me.  Abuse is ILLEGAL, by the way.  Anyone keeping it a secret, besides the victim being damaged for life, is committing a crime.  I am now a professional counselor (meaning, I am paid for my services) LAW I must report any "hint" of abuse that I see.  I will do no less than that to ensure the safety and security of children and future adults on this panet.  I am not the "savior" but I am an extension of Him in this world, as are all of His chldren!

.I truly pray you find healing, and healthy friends to hang with here or wherever, and may you all be blessed with many friends who you relate to.  I truly am sorry for hurting you Laura in walking away, I do have feelings just as you all do, but to protect myself from past stumbling blocks that cause me to fall . . .I'll stop here, it's time now for me to just "SitDown!"
Have a blessed day and just make today count for something, do the next best thing for yourself, you are all valuable and worthy of dignity and respect.

This was typical of past behavior too...something like "may God bless you and know that I love you and pray for you every day"...which she DOES, because I've SEEN her on her knees with long lists of people to pray for...point is, in spite of that, the end result was always "have a good life, Laura" and POOF, gone forever.  I've faced that over and over again with several people, and let me tell you, there is not one time that hurts less than another.  That sort of "hit n run" way of "dealing" with issues, is just not acceptable for me.  Again, Robin, as you head to your wilderness with the Lord, I bless you and love you and I pray God's peace will cover and restore you whether or not you and I ever meet again.

~Laura- reallyME


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2007, 04:23:31 PM »
At least she's not P O'd at you: / 

I'm so sorry... (((ReallyME)))

I know this hurts and you miss her.... feel unjustly accused and punished.

Not fair but there it is.

What I don't know is whether or not that young girl got the help you tried to get her.

Did anything come from your efforts?


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Re: I am Mary aka dove
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2007, 04:50:38 PM »

Im not sure why Robin came here in the first place, other than to check out the board.  I really didn't hear anything she had issue with over my post about Kay.

Secondly, I have no clue if her neice got the help she needed to leave that abusive home.  Robin didn't say

Thirdly, I'm guessing she covertly wanted to let me know that I damaged her family by opening up pandora's box that they kept hidden for years.  I'm sorry her family is in disarray, but I have no regrets about trying to save that girl.  She never deserved to be scapegoated and targeted by her mother for years of abuse, to the point that she ended up running away and ending up at Robin's house BEGGING for help.  When she was at Robin's she actually was able to show some stability again.  Once she was returned to her home, it all started over again.  Robin would tell me these things, so I stepped in and tried to put a STOP to it.  THe one problem is, there are N's in Robin's family who have been TERRIBLE to her for years.  I did not want her to be attacked by them at all, but I'm sure, knowing N's as we do, they have done their damage anyway.

Robin, I'm sorry it came to that.  If you ever knew my heart,  you know that I was trying to bring restoration to a very broken situation.  That's about all I can say for the moment.
