as I was laying in bed this morning, pondering, a song came to mind. I was thinking "hey, WAIT a minute! Why was it, that I was pretty much over this person, and, suddenly when she appears on this board, sharing how I won't let her go, because I've tried to once in a while, reconcile, suddenly I feel this desperate need for her? Come ON! That goes to show the affect that certain people have.
Yes, it all came back to me now...the feeling that she always knew me better than I knew myself, was withholding some Godly information from me, held my future in her hands, etc...NO WAY! I'm not going back to all this, only to be deserted and wounded again! Gosh the tactics that some peole use, sometimes without even knowing they use them...
And now, I get to see the people I've been able to count on gradually feel sorry for the person I've been wounded by? HECK NO! Not happening...but it does go to show, like I said, the way it all works...crafty, cunning, untrue, but makes them come out shining and gives them a "logical" excuse for the "why" of it all.
blows my mind
here is the song that fits;
Almost Over You
Recorded By: Lila Mcann
I saw an old friend of ours today
She asked about you and I didn't quite know what to say
Heard you've been making the rounds 'round here
While I've been trying to make tears disappear
Now I'm almost over you
I've almost shook these blues
So when you come back around
After painting the town you'll see
I'm almost over you
You're such a sly one with your cold, cold heart
For you leaving' came easy but it tore me apart
Time heals all wounds they say and I should know
'Cause it seems like forever, but I'm letting you go
(Repeat Chorus)
I can forgive you and soon I'll forget all my shattered dreams
You took the love that you wanted and left me the misery
(Repeat Chorus)