Author Topic: Losing Patience  (Read 3781 times)


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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2007, 08:28:51 AM »
And especially now.  My tummy cannot take it.  I may be stupid but eventually I will learn.  If my daughter eats shrimp her throat swells up so she does not eat it.  I feel lousy if I eat too much so I need to slow down and CHEW!  I did it right after because I had to-and I know I will when they tighten it!

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2007, 10:08:47 AM »
Kelly this sounds so challenging.  You probably have a lot of different approaches you are working on, but I wanted to share.  I drink a lot of green tea in different flavors.  Sure - I'm off to the bathroom often, but oh well.  Also I drink a variety of waters - fizzy, or with a lemon squeeze, or with a dash of juice to give it a different taste. 

I feel like the liquids help me transition to smaller food amounts (I ate a LOT while pregnant).

changing I appreciate your thoughts re: the board.  That was an insight very helpful.  Also Bella that idea of internalizing drama - that is a great tool of understanding.

OC - did I post already about my co-worker who has had the lap band surgery?  She and her daughter both have had it and they are very happy with the results and have lost a great deal of weight.  She is very satisfied with the whole lifestyle change.
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant


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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2007, 08:30:05 PM »
Yea!  Thanks!  I know I am trying to adjust to this new smaller stomach which will be even smaller.  I know it will work but I have to train myself to be different.  Just like when I got veneers on my teeth-I had to re learn my eating habits to keep them from breaking!

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2007, 08:34:05 PM »
And about board conflict?  I plan to not give anyone who is obviously hostile or looking for a fight the courtesy of ANY response and I think if people collectively sent a message to perpetrators by NOT responding, they would get the hint and back off.

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2007, 08:36:38 PM »

I love the plans that you have embarked upon- just for yourself! I am so happy for you, and I know that you will be as well (when the new tiny tummy kicks in, and the new pearly whites flash- watch out!!!)




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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2007, 08:50:43 PM »
Thanks Changing!  You are so nice!  I am doing it for myself because I really have a thin person in a fat body but Hormones and stress have taken its toll so I am really looking forward to a  new bod!

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2007, 09:19:17 PM »
Well, lawsah me! I drive to one store because it is cheaper than the one just down the street. I've always ignored the latter because of its prices until I'd forgotten I can buy f*** there. I am on my last bottle of water.

changing (f***) =food ......................don't look OC

I wasn't quite clear on this. I can go one block to a supermarket without taxiing. It is just one that I use very sparingly because of the prices and I'll bet I don't have to shop there more than 1-2 weeks, what with getting a new cast every week, and DAVE giving me a bend in the knee.

Grocery Bags carry on the back of my chair (just like my lost pants at the hospsital) and I just have to remember not to buy enough to tilt me backwards!! LOL and squash all my goodies.

Yes OC

I have heard elsewhere that a lean cuisine is enough.. I have found only one frozen dinner, Chicken Lasagna (Forget the brand, green box in Canada)  that is really a meal in itself.


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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2007, 07:26:57 PM »
Well Iz-I am cracking up with the thought of you rolling down the sidewalk doing a wheely in your chair with sparks flying off the grocery bags!  And I know you are thin and I wonder if it is just because it is a pain to go shopping?  Since you are such a computer genius why dont you order food online?

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2007, 08:45:17 PM »
It has to do with my independance, and I wonder what I'll be like when I cannot do a thing.

I did the shopping today and am now doing the laundry. The fly in the ointment the is the laundry room door, one floor down, is a heavy fire door and is locked at all times. I can scarcely get in without a broken leg sticking out. It at the end of a corridor so the walls are close and that leaves no room for a turning radius.

Tonight I called the Superintendent and asked her to please go down and unlock the door for me and might I have e wedge until I am finished my laundry. How could she deny me? I've already told her before that I had trouble with the door.

I need the exercise so I do what I do if I can. If I didn't have my stroll around the block 3 x a week I might get lazy, and I know of one woman with a manual chair ,like mine, decided she wanted a power chair. All she had to do was sit and toggle. She was dead in one month because of lack of circulation in her arms, something happened. (I've never forgotten that!, around '75 and she was in the same organization as I.)

I never even checked for food on line--will do though for an emergency!


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« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 08:47:29 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2007, 08:54:40 PM »
Yeah, you could buy those meals like Nutrisystem but you don't need to lose weight.  I seems to me like you could do it.  I would absolutely hate to do laundry like that, Izzy..................what a pain!!  Especially with a broken leg....and this is a stupid question, but does it hurt???

So do you ride cabs a lot?  Kind of reminds me of the gals on Sex and the City..

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2007, 10:10:47 PM »
(((((((overcomer))))))))  I can so relate to your post hun.  I have been going through similar feelings.  So much I am in a deep depression because of it now.  I won't go into it with me right now, don't want to write a novel.  We have a girl at work that is the same and she is driving everyone nuts.  I think everyone has to have at least one.  Doesn't help when my younger N Sister is the same way.  She sucks the life right out of ya, lol!

I went to the health food store today, a new one.  I bought a detox system.  I haven't used one is years so I hope this one doesn't make me sick.  Some will do that at first while cleaning your system.  I have gained a bunch of weight in the last month cause of the stress and feel like crap. A few months back I lost a bunch cause of stress, my brother is dying. :(  I just think my body is out of whack so maybe this detox stuff will help me feel better.  Have you ever thought of trying one?  I am just sick of not feel well, bloating and my glands are swollen.

I hope you get to feeling better.  Please keep us updated k?  Take care.


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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2007, 10:24:37 PM »
Oh thanks for your post-I often use the phrase SUCK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU!  In fact I used it again today but my mom hates it.  She also hates the word anal.  But I have long stopped worrying about if she approves of the words or phrases I use.  I am sorry about your bro that has to be so hard-no wonder you are depressed.

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2007, 10:26:51 PM »
I have thought about a body cleanse only now I have to worry about putting too many pills in my stomach or consuming too much of anything at once!

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Re: Losing Patience
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2007, 11:15:34 PM »
Oh temp

So sorry about your brother. It must be painful and stressful


and OC

no I have no pain from below my knees down. That is why I can joke and cavort around with the medical peoploe. No heat, cold either, but have touch feeling, so would know if you were standing on my foot.

I don't take cabs, normally. I drive my own car. The cast is so stiff and with 4 breaks I don't to mess around until Dr. says it has begun healing . One place with 2 breaks was jagged and one place with 2 breakis , they were smooooooooooooooth and I could 'hear' noises in my leg at first.--moving bones?

Strange how when I broke my leg, I felt it was a sign to slow down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but in what area??? well first, I didn't buy a DVD for 3 weeks, and I noticed I have been eating more sensibly, portion wise, like as huge steak can last me 2 dinners......but yesterday I ordered 4 DVDs, so..........?


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