Welcome, ExTex,
It's very difficult, I know. Similar situation here.
We have two grown daughters, each out on her own now, and although they all live in the same state...
neither one has much contact at all with my parents.
Son (11) and daughter (16) at home have no interest in reading the letters sent by their grandparents... and when we traveled to visit with family this past June, the kids made themselves scarce. There's just no connection.
As a former "fixer", I used to always try to encourage communication and bring everybody to some common ground. Problem is, there is no such thing with my parents. Neither one of them has ever shown any interest whatsoever in who their grandchildren are as individuals... what they enjoy, their interests, dislikes, etc... very sad. I guess my children recognized that long before I did.
I'm thankful that we're separated by 1,000 miles, because no matter how much I wish it were different, I can't make it so.
I don't know, but maybe it's not so much dread that you're feeling, as sadness? I mean, you don't have to take their calls, you know.
A couple of connects with voice mail usually prohibits further calls in our case, but maybe that would only add fuel to the fire for you...?
You said that they "insist" on being included in all celebrations...
so you "cannot" escape them...
oh, but... you can. You just haven't... yet.
Knowing that you can - when you're ready - makes all the difference, I think.
Reading about boundaries and how to establish good ones would be a great step for right now, I think.
Again, welcome!