Author Topic: Dear Poppyseed  (Read 4791 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: Dear Poppyseed
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2007, 07:43:41 PM »
((((((((((Peace and Pops)))))))))  Much love to you both.

My reading here on the board has been so hit-and-miss, I am feeling really out of the loop, but had to thank you two sisters for warming my heart today.

I want to share something with you both because I feel close to you... and I hope that's okay. Feels awkward to me, but I am trying really hard not to try so hard to be tough... lol (what a sentence!)
SO -  I took my care-for-self another step beyond the quitting smoking (success so far!!) and made a dentist appointment today.

Sat out in the car this afternoon waiting for daughter to complete her orthodontic appointment, aware that I have a tooth which needs tending. Wondering how much longer I could procrastinate. Decided not to wonder anymore.
Finally pried myself out of the seat and marched in there to the desk and set up a visit up for this next Mon., 8 AM.
Too early in the day to cancel. lol. ugh.
Also admitted to being a very serious coward... felt my ears turn hot...  and the sweet girl assured me that I'm not the only one.
And I believed her.
So that's my big news. Please keep me in prayers? Thank you.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 08:18:13 PM by Certain Hope »

finding peace

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Re: Dear Poppyseed
« Reply #16 on: September 19, 2007, 08:05:55 PM »
Dear Carolyn

I don't think it is silly at all.  I can't stand dentistry (I was so bad they actually offered to prescribe tranquilizers for me!  :shock: ) and I too have a tendency to tough things out on my own.  Early in our dating years, my H once said to me, you don't need me for anything do you? (Certainly not the case anymore!)

Good for you for making that appointment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will be with you holding your hand in spirit - and you are definitely in my prayers.

Much love,
- Life is a journey not a destination

Certain Hope

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Re: Dear Poppyseed
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2007, 08:24:22 PM »
Oh thank you, Peace! I am feeling like a wobbly weeble, but I know it's all good. Positive wobbling... lol.

I appreciate your encouragement and prayers and hand-holding so much!!

Told my husband this afternoon I feel a self-care rampage beginning to rise up within me... lol.
He says, GOOD!
I said, well it could get costly... oy vey.
Can barely see through my glasses, they're so scratched... that's next.
He says, Get them!
I really had let these incidentals get out of hand.... but then... I didn't really notice! So many things I didn't really notice. No more.

Oh, and Poppyseed... I want you to know that I am smiling as I think to myself that it I am pretty sure it's okay to mini-hijack my little sister's thread...
what a thought! This is me being silly. I admit it. It feels good.
 So happy to have a sis and then yak up a storm on her thread... thank you for your sweetness and tolerance. I'll stop now.

Much love again,

Poppy Seed

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Re: Dear Poppyseed
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2007, 10:14:11 AM »
Hope & Peace,

My father was a dentist.  I grew up working as an assistant in his office.  My bro and I used to have water fights with the equipment!

Hope, glad to see you take care with yourself.  The dentist can be so scary!  Are you doing the sedation stuff?  I think most dentists try hard these days to ease the anxiety factor.
Your H sounds great with his  "GET THEM!" comment.  Get some really classy frames and make yourself feel fabulous!!  Hmmmm, you quit smoking, your teeth will be beautiful, and with a new pair of glasses you are going to be glowing!!! Tell your husband from me, he should take you to Hawaii!!  You deserve it.  Wait....maybe you live in Hawaii!  :shock:


ps.  Hijack away, Hope! You have free reign!......hey wait, this is YOUR thread!  :D