Hiya Lynn, some questions as ever from me, trying to get a picture of the situation…I haven’t got a good picture right now and I’m too clouded by my own past experiences to see yours clearly. So please bear this in mind when I ask! I’ve taken parts of your post out of order….
On the outside she is friendly and outgoing. She smiles lots. Does well in school. Her teachers like her. She has friends.
I ache for her isolation, for her lack of connection to others.
Are you sure that she is isolated? Or is that your perception…or does she seem isolated from you?
She states that she cares first and foremost about herself and does not think about others. If others have a problem, they can fix it. She claims to have zero emotional reaction to others.
I picked this out because it’s the ‘meatiest’ part of how you describe her n-ness (do you want to talk about examples of her behaviour?). It sounds to me like a defence against letting out a load of emotions being held inside. Sixteen year olds aren’t quite adults and don’t necessarily say what they mean. I wonder …. If this was me, I’d be worried that following the divorce, mother is obviously upset and needs support and I’m not sure I want to be the one who provides it, just in case mother should ever ask me. So I’d perhaps close down so that mother’s emotions don’t upset me even more than I already am. Does that make any sense?
I hope that I have divorced early enough that I can show her love and a trustworthy relationship.
Um! She still has two parents and maybe she doesn’t want to admit in any way to you that she ‘sides’ with either of you. So again, I would close down and keep my emotions to myself…discussing them might mean ‘taking sides’ in talking about why I feel bad. I can’t now get too close to mummy because that will be betraying daddy (wow! Where did that come from P?)
I don't know whether to let things go because I understand the underlying hurt feelings.... or whether I should not let her get away with the mean behavior.
Rrrrmmmm….the last thing I would want would be for my mother to say she understood how I felt without me expressly talking about it (but you’re not my mother!). However, her feelings may be quite complex and could surprise you? But no, if you let her get away with mean behaviour …. I would think my mother didn’t care about me (she let’s me do what I want so she can’t care).
Well, I don’t know if there’s anything in that for you? Remember…it’s about me, not you or your daughter. Bunny gives the best advice! Best wishes, P
PS. Hey, enough about your daughter...how are
you getting on? Are you okay? Have you got other people to confide in or just chat to about how you feel these days?
PPS Just saw you mention the meaning of life...it's whatever you want it to be - which is both scary and liberating...but how much freedom to shape our own lives can we cope with? Me? Not so much!