One thing that is likely embarrassing for all, is admitting to being in anti-depressants, because most people know that affects one's libido.
It might be the same with High Blood Pressure? medication?
I am embarrassed to say I smoke , since I am 68 and have smoked for 51 years! Who wants to come here ands smell smoke.? Most people don't know as I smoke only at home and only 6 cigs a day, but I smoke. It is me!
That I play a lot of computer games and enjoy them, at 68? So I say Mai-Jong and it sounds good, and that is the main one.
I am in a wheelchair, but so far I have handled it well, but I would be very upset if someone called me a 'cripple'. That word is passé and handicapped refers to people!
I likely have more but good topic