Today is Saturday. Fridays I have dance class and after the class we stay at the school and dance with each other until 2 or 3 in the morning. I Do not stay that late. But I usually stay a couple of hours. That is the way that the sexy dancing bad boy thing started.
Last night, I had more than I had in the past. In the past I stayed home and drank until passing out or just watch TV with 40 more pound on my a*s. Now I am in a better situation. I have a place to go out. I am skinnier. I have a couple of friends to go out. Still, I feel sad. I was feeling well until SDBB (sexy dancing bad boy) destroyed it. Then problems at work, then my friend from the gym started going out with my ex friends from the book club. I left the book club because those friends were being unfair to me and started going out with a friend from the gym and had fun. Suddenly she met the friends from the book club and she prefers to be with them. Now she does not go out with me. She goes out with my ex friends from the book club. So I found new two friends to go out with. I took them to my salsa class and they liked it and the registered for class. Yesterday they went to the Friday dance with me. I found book club bad friends there, with the traidor friend. Those started making friendship with my new friends. Those ex friends from the book club started making friends with my new friends. Those two new friends I am afraid they will cut me off and start going out with book club people. It seems that something bad is chasing me. These last two weeks have been difficult. Of course, my son is healthy, I still have a job. It is just the Maslow piramid I am in the acceptance an social part. I want to have friends and people to go out with and if God allows me to have a companion of the opposite sex that has love for me and we have compatibility.
But this week has been so hard. Last night at salsa school Friday dance, I am there sad because of the problems in my school, I see SDBB dancing with other women, and I see my ex friends from book club stilling every single friendship I make.
I need a friend today. I need a friend today, today, physical contact with a human being, I do not know what I want. Yesterday I invited several of my classmates to dance, they are very young, nice people, kids, I just wanted to practice, but they were so busy that they could not or did not want to dance with me. So I was rejected in all aspects of my life.
At least I had a good day at work, I sang with my students and they loved the songs and I put the Mexican hot dance and I danced for them with a sombrero and one got up and dance Hip Hop with the Mexican music and it was very cute, and we all laugh at the end of the day I knew I did a god job. Still, I had to face the fact that my boss is getting away with murder, and have difficulty finding friends and difficulty finding partners to dance. SDBB invited me to dance with him three pieces, and I was so nervous that I missed up several times. At least eh saw mw dancing with two classmates. So he knew I danced a little. It is a psychological battle even to go try to practice my dancing skills at my own school. Every single thing I do it seems to cause me a huge stressful feeling. I am exhausted. Help me friends.