Just one more on anger........July 18
It's about time you got angry -- yes, that angry!
Anger can be such a potent, and frightening emotion. It can also be a feeling the guides us to important decisions, sometimes decisions difficult to make. It c an signal other people's problems, our problems, or simply problems we need to address.
We deny our anger for a variety of reasons. We don't give ourselves permission to allow it to come into our awareness -- at first. Understand that it does not go away. It sits in layers under the surface, waiting for us to be ready, safe, and strong enough to deal with it.
What we may do instead of facing our anger and what it is telling us about self care, is feel hurt, victimized, trapped, guilty, and uncertain about how to take care of ourselves. We may withdraw, deny, make excuses, and hide our heads in the sand -- for a while.
We may punish, get even, whine, and wonder.
We may repeatedly forgive the other person for behaviors that hurt us. We may be afraid that someone will go away if we deal with our anger toward him or her. We may be afraid we will need to go away, if we deal with our anger.
We may simply be afraid of our anger and the potency of it. We may not know we have a right, even a responsibility -- to ourselves -- to allow ourselves to feel and learn from our anger.
God, help my hidden or repressed angry feelings to surface. Help me have the courage to face them. Help me understand how I need to take care of myself with the people I feel anger toward. Help me stop telling myself something is wrong with me when people victimize me and I feel angry about the victimization. I can trust my feelings to signal problems that need my attention.