DROP YOUR GUARD: Defense Mechanisms
Following are some common defense mechanisms that Codependents use in relationships:
~The Perfectionist
They are DRIVEN to earn their worth through perfect performing. Since there is nothing that is 100% perfect on this earth, they will always feel that they come up short and are inadequate.
This person's parent believed he/she was showing love to their child, but showing them where they always fell short, pointing out flaws. They give the child a message that, no matter what they attempt, they could always have done better at it. Unfortunatel, these adult-children, although they DO master some perfection in life, usually fail miserably at the things that really matter...relationships.
~The Martyr
These people get praise and acceptance by showing how much pain and illness they can endure and usually telling people about it. The greater the pain is, the more accolades they merit. The more pity they receive from others, the more attention the get. They develop almost a "need to hurt" in order to feel any sense of self-worth.
~The People Pleaser
These people are expert "eggshell walkers." They have learned how to avoid making others angry, but never saying the word "no," putting everyone's needs and wants and views above their own, and taking on way more than what is their responsibility to handle. The people pleaser usually gets angry because he can't keep up with everything on his shoulders, but then turns the anger inward onto innocent others. These people 'endure" life, rather than living it.
~The Caretaker
These people take care of other people's responsibilities. They tend to almost create "emotional cripples" out of others and then alternatively resent them for being needy of them.
~The Stuffer
These people have learned that some emotions were forbidden in their homes, because of stupid sayings of "big boys don't cry." Stuffers learn to turn their feelings off in part or totally. The parents of these children, tend to banish the child to a specific spot in the house to cry, thinking they are instructing them to be strong, when what is really happening, is that they are showing their child that some emotions should be hidden or shut off. Usually, if you ask these stuffers what they feel about something, they will respond that they don't know what you mean.
~Martha Complex
Work = approval to these folk. They have learned to always stay busy with something, even if it's something that doesnt' really need to be done. These people find their worth in activity and feel guilt if they aren't busy doing something.
~The Fixer
Fixers find approval and feel in control by trying to fix other people's emotions. They will not have to face their own issues and pains if they are busy helping someone else fix theirs. They tend to attract dependent, sick relationsips and mistake 'need" as being "love." They feel drawn to a person, because that person needs them
Wow! that was some info, huh?
let's talk about how we felt when reading those defenses:
powerless? relieved? dazed? hopeful? full of anger? doubtful? other?
Next: Losing "Self"