Author Topic: Can't open my mouth  (Read 1504 times)


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Can't open my mouth
« on: September 27, 2007, 03:12:46 AM »
I really need ideas.  I am having the wrost time getting along with co-workers.  I know I am the problem but I don't know how to fix it. 

I cannot open my mouth when it comes to asking someone to stop something, change something, do something.  I literally cannot get my lips to part the fear is sooo great.  So what ends up happening is I get madder and madder on the inside because they should just somehow KNOW better than to do this.  I keep telling myself that they can't read my mind, to calm down, that if I don't have the guts to tell them then how can I expect them to act different.  But, I can't come up with the nerve to tell them.  So I think i just look like this real moody bi*ch.

Here are two examples from yesterday.  I work in an enclosed area.  This one co-worker kept spraying perfume as air freshner.  I began to get a headache but couldn't ask her to stop. 

I was reading some magazines on break.  Another co worker came and sat by me and asked to look at one.  As we sat there I told her I specifically bought the 2 mags for my break.  So I finish one and I am just sitting there while she is flipping through the other.  I wanted so bad to just say, "I'd like to look at my magazine now."  But the words couldn't come out so I just got madder and madder. 

I just want to be able to open my mouth and say the simplist things.  How can I start to change this behavior.  It is soooo un natural for me that I feel that saying something is going to come out all dramatic and make it worse. 
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 03:15:08 AM by SoSmall »


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 04:22:44 AM »
Dear Sosmall,

I had the same problem, and it did  pass with time. I am a very assertive and verbal person now, and I can even speak publicly with comfort and ease, instead of wanting to crawl into a hole and die like i used to.

I didn't do anything specific to change, but I think that verbalizing my thoughts on forums really helped me a lot. There came a time when I was so used to expressing myself in words, and seeng people's responses, that doing the same thing in real lfe came naturally after a while.

I hope this helps!

X bella


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 06:55:09 AM »
Situation #1

Oy..... you're giving me such a headache, spraying that pretty smell!

Situation #2

I'm done... let's trade.  ::trade::

I felt the same way, working at an office when I was 20yo.  Talk about a lion's den of catty women!

I was afraid to tell them I was going for a potty break before pushing button to make phones ring to their desks, lol. 

They always got angry that I didn't give them a heads up... but I didn't want to hear the sighs or attitude when I told them so..... or get jerked around about when I was going to the bathroom, like that was up for discussion or dependant on when they finished a document@@ 

They had a lot of fun jerking me around.... and I only knew how to avoid conflict, not handle it.

In hindsight.... I'd just do my thing and smile a lot, if I had to do it over again :D

Example... Buzz...."I'm going to the bathroom now....not sure when I'll be back but you're on the hook for the phones"

then flounce extravagantly accross and tinkle 8)


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2007, 08:36:48 AM »
I try comic body language sometimes.

Not saying this would work at all in that situation, SoS, but I imagined:

Closing my Mag #1, and slowly but directly moving it toward her lap while simultaneously taking hold of Mag #2 and simply gently taking it from her grasp without words or asking permission and having a friendly smile ready for when she looks up in surprise.

Huh. I bet it's fun to direct film.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2007, 10:05:15 AM »
It takes practice... really. Just think, if someone asked you to have something back, would you be offended? If that person is offended, they are not the type of person you should be worried about. I find it audascious that they would ask these things of you. Maybe also practice saying, "No, I'm sorry, I'm using that now." It's not easy!!!! But it does get easier. I promise. And if people see you are stronger, they may stop trying to take advantage of you.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2007, 03:55:02 AM »
You guys are so sweet.  To take my silly problem seriously.  Which I take it seriously but it seems so silly. 

I honestly feel that my mouth is sealed with superglue.  In one of those situations I even tried to part my lips.  Because I wasn't sure if I could physically open my mouth.  I know where this comes from.  If I ask them to change something - then I am basically telling them that what they are doing is wrong.  In a way it is a confrontation and doing that as a child resulted in terrible terible things happening to me.

While I have no problem teeling my hubby I think he is wrong  :D because after 10 years I know how he will respond.  Being in an enclosed area with someone I do not know well and telling them to change what they are doing.  It terrifies me.

I feel I really need to work on understanding myself.  That if I am unable to talk to them.  Not to get mad over it.  And start acting out in passive aggressive ways.  It just makes me look like the crazy office lady.  Which maybe I am but I don't want them to know.   

« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 05:38:50 AM by SoSmall »


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Re: Can't open my mouth
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2007, 11:13:59 AM »
It just makes me look like the crazy office lady.  Which maybe I am but I don't want them to know.   


Honestly Sosmall the particular issues you mention may seem small but they are so clearly linked back to something huge, which you have identified, so that is great that you see where it is really coming from.  I have the same kind of experience as you.  My FOO issues really come out to play especially at work.  It took me soooo long, and the help of a therapist, to actually connect what was going on with me at work, to my FOO.  Then it took me longer to own it as my own stuff. Oh my.  I know just what you mean about being just absolutely paralyzed in certain circumstances.  My stuff is related to - I cannot advance myself.  It feels SO WRONG.  Sorry for shouting. 

But on the other hand, I am now an old hand at office life.   :lol:  Lighter's description of the lion ladies jerking around the youngster - so familiar.  There are always people who will do that and I remember one particular lady who yanked my chain - but that's another story.

I think it helps to practice different solutions in your head.  Go ahead and use the situations that actually happened and run them in your head in different ways - trying out the various suggestions about, and any other ideas you come up with.  Run them in your mind a whole bunch of times and make up different outcomes - including funny or silly ones.  Anyway, that's what I do.

Here's what I would do regarding the magazines.  She comes up and asks to look at them and I would explain why I bought them and tell her my alternative offer, which she can take or leave.  "I bought these to read on my break now, but you can have them when I am done with them."

I once did a brief stint as a door to door environmental whatsit - asking for donations and so on.  It was a horrible job and I only lasted one week (one of the longest of my life).  But I learned some interesting things.  They told us to do whatever we could to get the person to open their storm door and take the clipboard from our hands.  Then we were supposed to make it difficult for them to give the clipboard back, through keeping our hands at our sides or through ignoring body language cues to take the clipboard back.  In this way, the person would be more likely to give us $$ to make us go away.  Can you believe they have this down to a science?  They also had down to a science browbeating and brain washing their employees.  Whew. 

The reason I bring that up is because it is the principle of the thing - once you give the magazine over then it is harder to get back without being more blunt and more direct, just like it is hard to make somebody take something if they are not helping you/being unreceptive etc.  So keep the magazine and only give away control when you are ready to do it and that is easier than trying to get it back once it is out of your hands. 

As for the real problem of our conditioning through fear and rage by parents and how it keeps cropping up in our lives now - I'm still working on that one too! 
Character, which has nothing to do with intellect or skill, can evolve only by increasing our capacity to love, and to become lovable. - Joan Grant