Poppy: For some people, being smart, members of Mensa and graduating from a certain school is what defines them, to themselves, beliefs they've brought with them from their childhoods.
You hear them bring it up... bc it's part of their legend..... it's
the core of what's important to them... about themselves. It's what they want other people to
KNOW and they feel safe when they understand that other people
get that about them.... and accept it as
If they receive validation, they light up and can relax and be more outgoing and joyful. If they're ignored or torn down..... they get defensive and tense and uncomfortable... yes?
What if we just KNEW these things.... without caring whether other people believed?
For me.... it's important that people know....
I have integrity. I can't be bought or moved off a position I believe is right.
I'm fiercly committed to my children (parenting is the hardest job I ever had... esp one that doesn't pay or come with any status/appreciation/instructions.)
I say what I mean and I mean what I say.... don't assume I exagerate. I don't.
I'm that loyal retriever in the family.... devoted and usually very hopeful.... spiritual... peacemaker.
I play by the rules.... but I can throw a punch.... (and I punch like a
man, not a girl.)
I hate society's rules sexualizing our bodies and making them 'for profit' to the detriment of things I happen to value. (It pisses me off that people consider breast feeding an
intimate act, for example. They draw parallels between masturbating and feeding infants in public.... like... who the hell knew you could feed an infant with a penis

I digress..... ahem.
I see so clearly that women and children have the same value as men.... it never occurs to me that I might be wrong.
Do I believe these things and feel secure that they're true, without outside validation?
I had a wonderful day today..... much better bc I'm mindful that these things
are true for me me, about me. And so I have more energy and courage and joy for other things... so far, so good.
I hope that was the explanation you asked for, Poppy: )