Dear Laura,
I am a believer as you are. My favorite teacher is Andrew Wommack. I like Sid Roth ,also.
What I wanted to say is that as I empty out all this garbage,I am understanding the Bible much more(in the heart).
Also, when I face the truth about my M, I can feel God's presence comforting me. I feel an actual "energy" around me.
I felt it last night as I faced that my M never cared about me(in a real way). As I faced it,I felt a peace and almost a "'blanketing with love "sensation come over me.
When I have to face some really 'horrible "truth, I can,usually, feel that Presence.
I should really be so healthy and free of fear ,but I am a 'work in progress(loooong progress)
Last night, when I felt that peace, I realized that all I wanted to do was serve Him with my life. It didn't really matter about my H. It didn't really matter if I was loved by my H,I just wanted to be Gods' vessel for His love.
I am finding that the reason we don't experience God the way that we could is that we simply are too filled up with pain. The pain has to go to make room for Him(IME)
I am working on facing the pain. This is a must(IMO). It can't be circumvented. We have to know the truth ,first, before we can heal.Then, we can help others.
Anyway, Put in the compost heap what does not fit for you. Love Ami