Author Topic: Confrontation  (Read 4825 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2005, 09:51:13 AM »
Jaded & Patz,
I was very interested in what the two of you wrote about the Asperger Syndrome.  My son was diagnosed ADHD at age 5 and has been on meds since that time.  He has been very well managed, has been a very good student--graduated in the top 7% of his highly competitive class and is now in college doing very well.  However, he has always had oral sensitivites to certain foods (could never eat fruit or anything that felt wet in his mouth), can't stand having tags in his clothes, used to be very sensitive about his socks.  He also can't be working on a piece of paper without tearing the corners off, always twists his napkins, chews pencils, etc.  I know there is a link with ADHD to autism as well, so I guess it makes sense that he would demonstrate some of those behaviors.  Obviously, none of the behaviors will truly affect his life in a negative way, but it was just interesting for me to see why he does have those behaviors.  We sometimes tease him that the "little rat" must have been chewing on his papers again and he has always been able to laugh at himself for those behaviors, but I should probably be more sensitive to his inability to control that.

Thank for this interesting discussion.
