Hi folks,
My visit with my D went wonderfully. I brought her presents and a cake and we both stayed relaxed. Had a great dinner out, met her friends afterward, she worked the next day and I did my business excursions, we met again that night, saw a movie together, and the next day I bought her a dress to wear to an upcoming wedding. Sunday SHE suggested we go to church, so we met there as is our custom when I'm in town. During the service (I was planning to leave after lunch) she cuddled up and kept resting her head on my shoulder. My heart was so grateful, because it's such a turnaround. I was enjoying the service, as she seemed to be, and so grateful for the peace and closeness between us.
Then. After church, in the hour before I was to leave, she picked a fight. Don't know how else to describe it. She started off with not liking the sermon ("And I don't ever want to go to church with you again, it's stupid and condescending.") Then, "And don't even think of asking me to come home for Tgiving or Xmas, you know I don't do those holidays." I said, I know, I let go of that wish a few years back. I know you don't do them and I wasn't going to bring it up. She says, well you are going to, you always do. I said, I feel I'm defending myself against a charge of guilty for something that hasn't even happened. She next brings up a comment I made two visits prior. I remembered it, and told her I'd apologized wholeheartedly at the time of my offense, and didn't feel I needed to keep doing it. She brought up another issue, from 4 years previous, demanding that I retract something I'd said 4 years earlier, and also say to her, I was wrong to ever think it (I had believed she was bulimic and gone to visit her and tell her what I feared. Her stepmother had found evidence and it seemed to fit...she'd been eating huge meals, vomiting, and was extremely thin). Now, she's normal weight, a little over, and very healthy.
At any rate, it never escalated because I stayed very calm and just listened. She repeated her grievances over and over and said, and that's why our relationship is crap. Other hurtful remarks. I didn't take bait or defend myself and just listened. She calmed down. At lunch we saw her friends at the restaurant. Once again, they commented on how much we look alike. She said NO, I look like my Dad. (I wish I could tell people not to say this, but they always do.) I know how much she misses her Dad. I know how much she wants to not be over dependent on me. We had a quiet, gentle parting.
But afterward driving home I thought about how peaceful and happy the 3 days had been. How she hugged and cuddled and seemed to be drinking up my affection again. And how she picked a fight just before I left. It felt as though she wasn't satisfied until she'd hurt my feelings. But I didn't get worked up or act hurt about anything.
I wondered if she picked a fight because it's scary for her to say goodbye. To have gotten so close again. To have felt close and connected. As though she had to "correct that" by being angry, even if she seemed to be pumping up her anger intentionally, and out of the blue.
I've never been more certain that I didn't do anything insensitive, intrusive or inappropriate. I know we had a very good time. I'm somewhat baffled and bewildered by this pattern of hers.
I'm writing about it here because I wonder if anyone thinks I might be interpreting it right, and also, do you think I should address what happened at the end, or just stay quiet about it? Would it be good to ask her, do you think it might be possible that you felt a need to become angry to create distance because I was leaving? I doubt that she'd like an analytical response, so I don't really think that's a good idea. I just am not sure if ignoring it is healthy either.
Suggestions very welcome. I'm not traumatized. It really was a wonderful visit. It's the last hour I don't know how to process yet. Mostly, I'd like to contribute something positive in my response, or not respond if that would make things worse.
It felt like, we had a 90% terrific time together and she felt compelled to create 10% pain. Confusing.
But still, waaaaaay better and happier overall than we were a year ago.
Any thoughts? I'll work on catching up but got to run for work...
love and thanks,