Axa... do ya think we really are interested in being victims?
I think it's more about feeling more fearful of being alone, on our own, without a plan, without ourseves.... than it is about choosing to be victims.
I guess we take that role as a default when we haven't done the work on ourselves, disciplining ourselves to set goals, make self care a priority, enforce boundaries......
hmmmmm.... there are leaders and there are followers, it's the way things shake out. I'm more comfortable following. I do it at school with the mommies who like to lead.... I'm the sidekick, happily. The lead mamas are lead mamas, happily.
Same with relationships.
Probably most of us have felt more confidence in helping others than investing in our own solo plans. We bolster others easily and struggle to nurture ourselves on the most basic levels.
When offered a position where we're promised nurturing and made to feel important, like we're going to be filling an important role we beleive we'll be comfortable in...... and we get to nurture... it looks like a win win, doesn't it?
But we didn't do our homework and we ended up learning HOW to do homework properly..... to believe ourselves and to beleive people when they show us who they are.
We don't need to be hit over the head anymore, do we?
And so you choose to say No and go back to self nurturing, setting goals and self care.
It's a very good reminder though.... what our hearts want to do.
Where we'll gravitate to, if left to undisciplined emotions that are still learning.
What our weaknesses are, if we aren't mindful to guard ourselves and our new boundaries.
Good job, Axa.