Author Topic: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit  (Read 4097 times)


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Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« on: October 10, 2007, 06:45:56 AM »

I don't know if anyone can remember me, it's been about 18 months (maybe more) since I was last here. I have been through a lot and still my xn is lurking around trying to wreck my life. I want to talk about it to someone, but noone understands except the people on this board. Friends just think my ex was "a bit of a nightmare", they don't understand what an N is, or how an N relationship can affect your whole life.

I am having one of those days where I just feel like I can't keep on fighting like this all the time. We are at court for two different things. The court won't listen to how badly it affects me having to see him and having to go to court all the time is just not helping my new job (as a teacher). I don't know what I want, I just feel like I need to talk.

How is everyone else?

Cadbury....  :(


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 06:54:20 AM »
  welcome back!  We were just talking about how people come and go around here because of the severity of their need.  Looks like you need us!  Try focusing on the good in your new job and try to set some firm boundaries with that ex!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2007, 07:14:13 AM »
Hi Kelly

Thanks for the reply :)

I have set very firm boundaries. I suppose I get frustrated by the way that my personal boundaries work in principle, but then courts and legalities ride over them and I have to start dealing with my ex again. He owes me £4000 and so I have to go to court to get it back. I need the money, but even so I am tempted to forget about it to have one less reason to have to deal with him. The other reason I am in court is to do with custody of our son. He is the most darling little boy, just over 2 years old. He hardly knows his dad as his dad was banned from the contact centre near here for failing to adhere to any of the rules. (sound familiar?!!). However, that has made little difference to the court proceedings and all the time the court are just trying to work out how contact can take place without a contact centre.

I don't understand why he should get contact. He is not interested in our son, he is interested in power and control over me. He cannot behave well enough in a contact centre where he is observed, so how would he behave if he had him on his own? HE keeps suggesting to the court that I should supervise contact, but I just can't. I feel like noone is listening, it gets harder and harder to keep dealing with it.

My new partner is great, but I feel like he doesn't understand the depth of what went on before. I daren't tell him a lot of the previous abuse incase it upsets him, but at the same time I want him to know (am I making any sense?!!). Maybe he is right and I am so involved in it all that I can't detach but it feels so hard at the moment. I will never be free of this :((

Thanks for listening.


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2007, 07:37:57 AM »
Dear Friend
  I am so sorry that you are hurting. Your situation sounds very hard and very confusing.I bet that you simply don't know which way to go or where to turn.
  I hear those burdens on your shoulders.
  I hear you wanting some place to 'rest"
  I can see where you would not know 'just" how much to tell your new partner.
  The whole situation with an N is a mess. We are embroiled in it and it is difficult work getting out.
   I am so sorry.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((Cadbury)))))))))))))))))))))                               Love  Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2007, 12:21:34 PM »
Cadbury.... I understand everything you're saying.

You need to keep your head up, deal with the court and make sure you don't allow unsupervised contact for between N and son.

You being there isn't an option, so don't say yes to that either.

The fact that he isn't following the rules should weigh in at court, but.... the court just wants you two to settle and get the hell off their calendar.

Stay strong.... and if you can't..... pretend.

I think you should be honest with your new partner, btw.

Hiding things just makes you look unstable when your behavior and stress levels don't match up with the information you;re giving.

New partner needs to know what abuse went on and that you're struggling for very good reasons. 

You need understanding and support.... people in your life who can help you think things through and not get manipulated by your X. 


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2007, 03:18:43 PM »

Thanks for your replies. It's nice to have somewhere to go like this :)

I am still struggling and feeling that familiar "is it me?" thing. You know, where you doubt yourself and think that your N may in fact be as sane as they say they are. One too many emails from him I think :(

I think the most overwhelming feeling I have is that of how unfair this is. I never did anything to deserve this and it hurts so much that I will have to go through this fr so long... I am sure many of you have felt the same and I am just struggling to come to terms with the same things as everone else. I just want it to stop. He is so damaging. Court next week for two seperate matters means two days where I have to see him. Oh God.... this hurts so much, I don't know how to cope with it. I am trying to stay strong, and I think I make a good show of pretending, this is very much an internal thing for me... but I just have to get the hurt out to be healthy with this, I just don't know how :(

I hope those of you who were here before are doing well, and all the people who I don't know... love to you all :)



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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2007, 03:58:58 PM »
Dear Cadbury,
 I am sorry for the pain you are having.I have wondered so many times how I ended up in the situation I did.
  It is really painful when you have children and none of the options seem so great.
  Your situation sounds like the saying,"In the meantime,it's a mean time."That saying helps me when I am hurting,
   We never expected that life would hurt this much----Right.?
   Keep sharing and writing. Just knowing that you are not alone is a comfort              Love   Ami

(((((((((((((((((((( Cadbury))))))))))))))))))))))))))
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2007, 07:37:54 PM »
Hi Cadbury,

Nice to hear from you again.
Any way to trade the 4000 (sorry haven't got a pound squiggly on this side of the pond) for no contact?



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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2007, 10:06:06 PM »
Welcome back, Cadbury...

I'm sorry for all this pain.
I too think you could simply be open and honest with your partner about what you have lived through and therefore why the limits you have set must be respected, and why this process is so taxing.

As to...FAIR.

Imo, fair is a fantasy. Fair is twittering on your shoulder to demoralize and distract you.

it's wrongwrongwrong. Of course it's unfair. But look at the world. There it is in all its warring ugliness. Fair's nowhere except in the sweet just minds of children. And that's the beauty in the world. The children.

He's all that matters, and sticking to the battle so the N is never alone with him is worth all the fight you've got. You can't table all your emotions while going through this, you're not a robot...but focus on the little one's sweet face and you really WILL be in focus.

I wish you steadiness and focus and detachment. The tread of a mother tiger.

love love
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2007, 03:35:53 PM »

HEllo to you too :) I have often thought about trading the £4000 ¸for no contact, but I daren't... I feel it would be too easy to turn round to make me look bad. I think that until people have been in an abusive relationship they don't understand what you would do to be free of it, and so I would worry that the court would just see it that I am trying to keep a father away from his son. Grrrrr! It's not FAIR!!


Thank you for your wise words.... I know how true you are, I just need to get that into my head. I, too, wish for the tread of a tiger :).

I want to share things with my partner, but it is so hard to explain... "He made me do ____" and to a lot of people, that just makes them think "why? Why did you put up with that?". I feel stupid as it is, and so I think that others may see it like that. I just struggle to find the words to explain the situation. I think I may try to write it all down as a story, maybe that way I will also be able to undestand a bit more why I fell for it and didn't get out sooner.

Love to you all



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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2007, 04:17:05 PM »
I was talking to my solicitor today about the court case on Thursday. First of all XN has legal aid, that means he does not have to pay for the work his counsel do for him.... today he has said that they " are not good enough for him" and so he is hiring a really expensive lawyer instead. This is straight after sending me an email saying he has no money to pay me for the debt he owes.... ARghhhhh!! Why can't he see how he contradicts himself??

He has aso written to the court asking them to change the court date as he has lectures that day. They have refused. He has then asked my solicitor to ask me to agree to adjourn. I have refused. I hope he doesn't turn up on Thursday. That would be a typical N thing to do. Obviously his lectures are more important than court. I am so frustrated!

Thanks for listening :)


Poppy Seed

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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2007, 06:04:30 PM »
Hi Cadbury,

I don't know much about courts and the rest.  But I just wanted to send my support and encouragement.

Wishing you determination and unfaultering strength,



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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2007, 04:38:39 AM »
Poppyseed Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, it is nice to have support :)

Shunned I keep thinking about writing my story here, I like reading the other stories, not because of the pain, but it helps to know I am not alone and that the people here all truly understand what things have been like. Thanks for the moral support :)

Tomorrow is the first court case (about money) and I have to travel 240 miles to get there. On Thursday I am back up here for court again, this time about the child contact issues. I am trying to keep calm and face work, but I am brooding madly....

Thanks eveyone, I will keep you posted :)


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2007, 09:12:20 AM »
Dear Cadbury,
  I want you to know that I am thinking of you and praying for you with your ordeal with your H. I will be waiting for your post on how it went.               Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Looooooooooooooooong time no visit
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2007, 03:12:23 PM »
Well ....

On Wednesday I was at court 240 miles away to face my exN about some money he owes me.

The background is that when we were together he forced me to sign a credit agreement for some double glazed windows to be fitted in his house. I didn't want to, but he couldn't get any credit and told me he'd "always pay it". He paid it for 2 and a half years and (coincidentally) stopped paying it when we went to court last November. He didn't tell me he'd stopped paying, but oh-so-nicely informed the credit company of my new address. The first I knew was when a debt collector knocked on my door in April of this year. I had just sold my house and so I had to use some of my savings for my new house to pay it off (£4000, around $7000 ish). I then wrote him an email asking him to pay. He refused unless I let him see our son. We are already at court for contact issues and I refused to give in. I asked him again to pay, or I would take it to the small claims court. (A court in the UK purely for debts etc of amounts below £5000). He refused again (unless I cave in to his demands) and so I filled out all the forms. He entered papers saying he intended to defend the whole claim and also to enter a counter claim. HE never filed that defence and so I applied to have judgement entered against him. He then took it all to court to have the judgement overturned. Fast forward to two weeks ago when I travelled all the way to a court hearing only for him not to turn up. The hearing was moved to Wednesday (17th Oct).

So... the hearing...

I was terrified at having to face him, but I knew I had to so Wednesday saw me sat opposite him in the Judge's chamber. The judge started by reading out all the times in emails where exN had said things like "I will pay you if you let me see our son" ... "I will sell my house and give you the money if you let me see our son." and so on. ExN looked a little perturbed at this. The judge then asked him what his defence was seeing as he had offered to pay so many times. Ex N thought he'd be clever and said:

"I did not want windows in my house, Cadbury ordered them and had them fitted without my consent. I tried to stop her, but she insisted. The windows I had before were fine and the money could have been best served on something else."

My mouth must have been on the floor at this point. I couldn't believe (even now - what a fool!) that he would lie so blatantly to a judge, and that he would seriously expect anyone to believe that another person would force them to have windows fitted in their house! I don't have any money, why would I waste so much money on something he didn't want?!!!

Then the judge said, "so why have you paid it for so long? ", exN then started going on about how he was just trying to keep me happy so he could see his son. Then he started to get all fakely upset and say how hard it was etc etc The judge (whom I LOVE!!!) said "I don't want to sound heartless, but I don't care about any of that. I am purely concerned with this debt and why you are not liable. I would also like to know why you did not enter a defence in the time allowed."

exN says:

"I went by the guidance forms for filling out the form and they were not clear. I have made several complaints about that to your clerks here. It does not say anywhere that you have to enter a defence and dispute jurisdiction. It most definitely says or. I am not happy about that at all, I think it needs to be looked into."

(How Nish is that? IT couldn't possibly be him that was wrong... it has to be the whole legal system in England and Wales. I had to hide a smile as my nerves relaxed the slightest bit.)

The judge (that wonderful man!) pulled a form out of his pile and said " IS this your signature? [yes] well, allow me to read what you have signed. 'blah blah will enter a defence within 28 days of returning this form..' what isn't clear about that?"

Ex N "It must be on another form. I must have left it at home." (because he must know more than a judge of course!)

Judge" It seems perfectly clear to me. Now, what do you mean when you say you wish to issue a counter claim?"

ExN" Cadbury has cost me close to £5000 in legal fees in keeping me away from my son and I want her to pay for that."

Judge"I have told you, this case is a civil matter about the windows in your house. If you mention the other case once more I will dismiss this case."

ExN" Sorry your honour. I thought it was relevant."

Judge " So do you have a defence that is relevant to this case?"

ExN " Cadbury drove my car for a year."

(Me an my mate the judge are equally flummoxed by this. Neither of us can see any relevance - even if it were true- to that statement. ExN goes on to 'prove' it. )

Judge" What has this to do with the windows?".

ExN "I didn't want the windows. Here are some bank statements that show that the money came out of our joint account."

Me (in horror): " You told me that account was in your name only! I have had nothing to do with it since I left, 3 years ago!"

ExN " It still has your name on it."

Judge " Who has paid the money into this account since you split up?"

ExN "ME, but it was a joint account."

Judge looks a little miffed at this point and says "I think I have heard enough [ opens big law book]. The point of law dealing with this is blahdeblah point 3. The relevant part is 'A judgement can be overturned if the judge believes that the defendant can provide a defence that stands a good chance of winning in the small claims court.' HAving considered all the evidence, including very recent emails of the defendant offering to pay Cadbury, this claim is dismissed. The defendant is ordered to pay as per the original order."

ExN shakes his head in disgust. Judge then asks: "Since this case was moved to this court at the request of exN, would you like costs added Miss Cadbury?"

Me "Yes please."

ExN starts laughing and then says:

"Can I just say one thing?"

Judge : " By all means"

ExN" Miss Cadbury promised me she would never stop me seeing my son and she has. She has lied in court and...."

My favourite bit[/font][/color][/size]

Judge cuts in with "I'm sorry, I thought you were going to say something relevant. This case is now closed and I have no intention of opening it again. Thank you"

ExN keeps arguing with the judge (yes, the judge!!) and I leave. I walk out to my partner with thumbs up. HE stands up and hugs me and says "Shall we celebrate?!" Just as exN appears. Ex N looks at my partner and points at him and says (All menacing) "You're a fuckwit". Then follows us down the stairs to say to my partner "I'm coming for you. Fuckwit". HE then says it again and walks out, shouting back from the door "Fuckwit!".

What an arse! I hate him so much. The decision was fantastic, and it was so good to see a judge cutting through all his crap and seeing it as it really is. I felt so good, but so terrified with his threats. HE cannot see he was wrong, it is all me :( .

I had court again today and although he says he has no money he managed to fund a really hot shot (BITCH) lawyer for today. He had applied for an adjournment because he had lectures which was refused, but he still didn't turn up!! HE sent his apologies and said he couldn't miss his lectures! Note: I am a teacher and cancelling classes from my end is a lot harder. I will write more details later, but this one will never be a good thing as it is too close to my darling baby son. I am still a little uptight about today, so I will ponder a little first.

Tonnes of love to anyone still reading :) Thank you for listening :)
