Am, I don't think my friend's father is an N. I think he was just a jerk. Big difference there. I'm not sure I can even describe the crazymaking tactics my mom can put everyone through, and everyone in my family knows it. My brother even told my dad once that he should have divorced her.
Ami, I don't think people change unless THEY want to change. My mom isn't going to change because she doesn't think there's anything wrong with her. She talks about her depression all the time, and maybe she is depressed. There's treatment for depression though, and it involves going to someone who treats it, not sitting at home in a chair, covered up with a blanket and making up schemes and fantasies. I'm not sure my mom even knows what is real and what is made up anymore.
What I've read about your M, I don't think she's going to change. We want them to change. We want to have good, healthy relationships with these people, but it's not going to happen. They just aren't capable of healthy relationships because they don't think there's anything unhealthy about themselves. But if they won't change for themselves, they aren't going to change for us.
I was reading in my book today that if you pity your parents you've been abused by them. I pity my parents, both of them. I think it's sad, the way they live, or choose not to live. I wish I could say something different, but I think the only thing we can do is either develop a relationship with them as they are or else cut them out of our lives completely.