Author Topic: Some things I've learned on the way  (Read 2202 times)


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Some things I've learned on the way
« on: October 13, 2007, 07:24:03 PM »
One of the things I've worked with  my T, and one of the exercises in the adult child book I'm reading, is to really analyze what I'm feeling.  I was feeling very depressed earlier today, and so I took a moment, closed my eyes and really thought about what I was feeling.  I wasn't feeling guilty.  I wasn't feeling shame.  I was feeling sad, so I asked myself why I felt sad.  This is what I realized.

I feel sad because I can't have the relationship I want with my parents.

I feel sad because I can't be honest with my parents.

I feel sad because they are never going to be able to give me what I want.

I feel sad because everything is always about my mom and my feelings don't matter.

I feel sad because I can't tell them how I feel and get an authentic response.

When I really looked at what I was feeling, then I realized.  I don't have to feel sad.  I thought about things I could do.  I was feeling very tired, and so M and I took the dog and went for a walk.  We walked up to the tennis courts.  M had his ghost hunting camera with the trick film.  We shut the gate at the tennis court and let the dog run around.  We took pictures, investigating for ghosts, and then walked home.  M has been making cookies, and I"m going to go fix us some supper in a minute.

I don't feel sad anymore.  Once I realized what I was really feeling, I could confront the feelings and move on without letting it cripple me.  I don't feel euphoric, happy, just sort of mellow.  This is day two of no contact, so I thought about my fear a little.  Here are the reasons I'm afraid of the phone.

I am afraid because all the things my mom says might be true.  Deep down, maybe I do want to hurt her.

I am afraid because I have made myself a home, a safe place, and I don't want her to intrude.

I am afraid because I don't want to hear her disapproval.

I am afraid because deep down, I am afraid she will find a way to take all of this away, and I'll be back where I started from.

I am afraid because she's never going to let go, and nothing I say will make her see me as an adult.

I am afraid I won't be able to live without her.

I am afraid of being alone.

I think those are the big reasons.  I won't say that looking at that list makes the fear go away, but at least I know why I am afraid.  Knowing that, makes the fear easier to face.

I just thought I would post this so that maybe others could try this exercise.  Just sit for a few minutes and really think about what you're feeling.  Then think about why you feel that way.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt

Certain Hope

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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2007, 07:48:59 PM »
Thank you so much for sharing this, Tayana!
I've been trying something like this as well... to sit with my feelings, yes, and then get up and move on to the next thing.
It's like... with that regular acknowledgement, our feelings don't have to lurk around the next bend in the road and surprise us... or constantly scream out for attention and paralyze us...  and now life can go on!

I love to be busy... especially outdoors. Knowing that is a great energizing atmosphere for me, I can limit my "feelings exam" to a manageable space of time and then go for a bit of natural refreshment and restoration. It'll be a bit tougher once the cold weather settles in, but I hope that the habit will be solidly enough in place that I'll be able to continue.

It's wonderful that you're finding some relief through this very practical exercise! To me, it's all part of growing up and I'm just happy to be doin it now... better late than never!

With love,


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2007, 07:59:00 PM »
Big day, huh (((Tay)))?

You're gonna be OK.

You already are: )


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 08:55:34 PM »
Carolyn, you're welcome.  I just talked to my brother, and I told him I don't want to talk to my mom.  I told him I'm tired of her making me feeling like I'm worthless, and I needed to worry about myself.  I don't need to have her sitting there, passing judgment and seeing how bad she can make me feel.  He thinks she misses M and she's doing all this to get back at me.  I told him she's crazy.  She was always half-crazy and now she's finally gone over the edge.

It's like... with that regular acknowledgement, our feelings don't have to lurk around the next bend in the road and surprise us... or  constantly scream out for attention and paralyze us...  and now life can go on!

It's very freeing to sit and think and realize that although I won't say I'm no longer depressed, I at least know why.  Then I can move forward.  I think so much of our fear and anxiety is bound up in that we don't really know why or what we are feeling.  This exercise at least lets us get in touch with those feelings even if they are scary. 

I can't jump and down and say I feel great, but I did manage to stop feeling so low.  I got out of bed, went for a walk fixed supper, and had a little fun.  That's what I have to learn to do.  I have to learn to relax and have fun again.  I've forgotten how because anytime I tried I was made to feel guilty.  I was even made to feel guilty about spending time with my child because Saturdays were always our days to out for lunch, go someplace, etc.  I  was told that I used that day to make up for not being able to spend time with my son.  It wasn't true.  I just wanted to spend time with him, but my mom made me feel guilty for working, then she complained about the expense of having us in her home.  When I offered to pay for rent and food, she would refuse.  I was told that as long as I lived there, I lived rent free. 

I remember being a little older than M and wanting my mom to spend time with me, but she was just concerned about work all the time.  It was really bad when I was a teenager, because she would promise we would do something and we never would.  She was so addicted to her position at work and being in power.  She likes to be in charge.  She's yelled at me many times because I've said I don't want to be a supervisor at work.  I was content with being what I am.  She constantly tells me that when I was little she used to play games and have tea parties, but I don't remember any of that.  I have more memories of my grandmother, who died when I was five, than of my mom doing things like that with me.  I don't remember my mom ever doing anything  with me that didn't involve criticism.  I remember doing things with my brother, and occaisionally with my dad, but not her.  Of course, I don't really remember much of my childhood, just bits of things.

I"ve diverted from my original topic, and I apologize.  I just thought this was a valuable exercise.  Now if I could just learn to relax without feeling guilty I'd be in good shape.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt

Certain Hope

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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2007, 09:49:17 PM »
Tayana, I understand...  she does sound over the edge. The people who have to deal with her more closely may try to encourage you to smooth things over, but you know that you are not the problem. Just hang on to that truth.

I know there's a need in me to be very specific at this point in my life, to not allow
some vague, generalized sensation (especially guilt!) to arbitrarily rule a single additional moment of my life. It's too short, you know?
To me, it's about making that conscious decision to refuse to allow feeling to rule.
That part of it is all tied in to my faith. You know that bit about having faith of a grain of mustard seed
and moving mountains? Well, I think that I used to live as though faith meant denying the mountain was even there...
and that absolutely doesn't work. So I know what you mean about this being so freeing!
Takes an awful lot of energy to avoid seeing that mountain. Now that it's in clear view, we can load up our little burros
and make progress!

You have identified your own feelings and motivations and seen them clearly, as they really are,
 in stark contrast to the projections your mother tried to attribute to you. That is wonderful, Tayana... that's what I think
we need to do every step of the way, to shut off those old tapes in our heads. Especially when those accusations and condemnations
are pre-verbal, I think it's crucial to seek out and name our own feelings consciously... and reject anything that doesn't line up
with what we know is important to us. Along the way, in doing this, I'm still finding more *stuff* that really doesn't belong to me... leftovers from
mother, ex-husbands, N's, etc, etc... sheesh, I have been a sponge.

It's all that old stuff which gets in the way of relaxing... so whatever it takes, even if that means making relaxation a chore - putting it on that to-do list
ahead of all but the most essential tasks. For years, I couldn't even sit down in my own home, because if I wasn't "doing" or "producing", my skin would crawl.
It's a habit which must be broken with force, but practice makes it easier... today I watched a movie - alone - (Peaceful Warrior) - and colored a picture.
With crayons. In a coloring book I bought yesterday. For myself. lol. Maybe I'll post an article I read about coloring for adults, which inspired all this... lol.

Anyhow, I'm so glad you diverted here... it's all good. As far as doing things together... my mother never played board games, or colored, or engaged with me in any activity just for fun. Ever.
If it wasn't about her attempts to mold me into whatever vision she had, it didn't happen.
I figure she didn't have the imagination for anything else... but that's her, not me.
Life is about the journey, not the destination... or else it has no substance.
I believe that God gives us every good and perfect gift and the wisdom to live it abundantly... if we will have eyes to see and ears to hear.
These lessons are difficult, but learning is too good and necessary and healthy to be made miserable by it. That keeps me going.

Love and hugs to you,

P.S. About relaxing... it helps prime me to do something really physical each day - running, mowing the lawn, just getting in some strong exertion -
and then I'm more in the mood to sit and relax. It's all in the balance... and seriously,
put it on your "things I must do today" list and make it happen... in 30 days, you'll have created a new habit :)


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2007, 12:32:32 AM »

I'm working on the relaxing thing.  Tonight M and I watched a video together and I read the paper, or the parts of it I read.  I tried to ignore the mess around me and not get up to frantically fold laundry or something of the like.  I feel like I have to be "on" all the time and I need to censor everything I do.

Hey, maybe I'll have to get me a coloring book and some crayons tomorrow. 

Somehow, I've agreed to a hamster . . . . it was supposed to be a hermit crab, but now I"m getting a hamster.  Hmm.  M is very excited.  Yes, we have a dog, but although M plays with him, the dog is my pal.  I didn't intend it to be that way, it just happened.  I was going to say  no to the hamster, but then I thought about it.  It's not expensive.  It could be a good learning opportunity if M has to take care of it.  It's not like fish where he just isn't big enough to haul the water and stuff to clean the tank. 

We've ended up having a pretty good couple of days, although there was some tension over cleaning up, but otherwise, not bad.

I'm also going to the craft store . . . I should avoid the craft store, but I want some supplies, and before I order from a wholesale place, I want to try making what I've got in mind with limited supply.  I have an idea, and I want to see how it will look before I try to sell it.

Sorry, I'm rambling again.  I think I should go to bed now.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2007, 01:47:55 AM »
Hi Tayana-

You are such a good mom. I'm glad that you are not expecting yourself to keep everything perfect around the house all of the time as if you are in an Army barracks awaiting a surprise inspection!It is your house, you are not its maid! The cookies, the homey times when you read the paper and your son relaxes there with you- that is the stuff of life, and the real priority. And you make it happen so well.

Love and Peace,



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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2007, 09:19:21 AM »
Dear Tayana.
  I am seeing that there are two separate realities. They are opposite. They can't co-exist.One will prevail.
 Either you are "good" and worth something or you are all that your mother told you. They are totally opposite.
  We have to pick one side( as I see it). If we don't chose, we are choosing them( the N mother) (BLEH)    Love Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2007, 09:46:24 AM »
Hamster, huh?


teeny tiny turds
the smell of clean wood chips
little furry cuddles
M learns about caring for someone else
watching the little guy, go baby go on his habitrail


teeny tiney turds
the smell of soiled wood chips
M forgets to feed the little fur ball, no more furry cuddles
Habitrail squeeking through the night

Eh...... it'll be fun and I hope you get one of those little blonde ones, that like to sleep?

Do hampsters run on habitrails? It's usually the little meeses we see on those.

Good hearing you were relaxing into the present and trying not to censor yourself. Sounds safe and relaxed...... got any good smelling candles to add to the mix?

I adore trips to the craft store!  I plan on being a witch at oldest daughter's school (halloween party)...... very exciting.  It's religios so I guess I won't be the kind that actually eats them, though I've been practicing my best witch screech "IIIII'm giong to get you my little pretties, and cook you in a pot!"

Certain Hope

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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2007, 10:12:46 AM »

Sounds to me like you're well on your way to creating the relaxation habit :)
I'm cheering you on!
I love to read, but it seemed like I couldn't sit down with a book until/unless I was physically tired, in which case I'd be struggling to keep my eyes open after 10 minutes... so, I started with the newspaper, too. Had been reading it online, but you know it felt really good (although foreign) to sit down and hold those sheets of paper in my hand. I even enjoyed the smell of the ink... while practicing being in the moment, present, completely, just for now.

Hamsters can be great little companions and they sure do make some awesome contraptions for them to play in... all those habitrail tubie thingies... great fun!
We haven't had one for several years, but my 11 yo son enjoys his pet rabbit and even remembers to hose out all her raisinettes on occasion. (Thankfully she's outdoors!) Remember... pine chips, not cedar... which, although it smells fantastic, there's toxins in that stuff that can be very harmful to tiny critters.
Also, a bit of veggie oil on the wheel stops that squeek (oh, do I remember that... lol.)

I'm so glad that you can look back and see that it really has been a great couple of days! For me, as well... and I know that's because I made up my mind to let it be so and gave the rest over to God's control. Now today, I really need to have a heart2heart with 16 yo daughter re: the condition of her bedroom, which continually arouses the word "shameful" in my mind when I enter it. Should be an interesting discussion... cuz I am curious how she really feels about it and we can discuss that whilst we give it a good dusting!   :mrgreen: Although I am beginning to - gulp - *appreciate* that some folks thrive on what appears to me to be disorder... the filth has really got to go!!

Well, enjoy your craft-store adventures and I hope the project you've got in mind works out well... sounds exciting! I've enjoyed our rambles here and look forward to more :)

With love,


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #10 on: October 14, 2007, 10:19:02 AM »

Also, a bit of veggie oil on the wheel stops that squeek (oh, do I remember that... lol.)

Smiling to myself here as many happy memories stirred  :)

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #11 on: October 14, 2007, 01:46:27 PM »
Well, the new addition is home and all settled in her cage.  It's a chinese dwarf hamster.  It's a cute little gray thing.  It's name is Hamsty.  It was going to be Ham, but M decided that it needed a girl's name.  M is quite enchanted.  He bought the critter and its cage himself.  He's agreed to take care of it himself.  He has to feed, water, and clean it.  I think this is going to be a good thing.

I can just hear the criticism from my nmom . . .

You are such a good mom. I'm glad that you are not expecting yourself to keep everything perfect around the house all of the time as if you are in an Army barracks awaiting a surprise inspection!It is your house, you are not its maid! The cookies, the homey times when you read the paper and your son relaxes there with you- that is the stuff of life, and the real priority. And you make it happen so well.

Changing, I try to be a good mom.  I'm not sure I really succeed sometimes.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Some things I've learned on the way
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2007, 01:54:27 PM »
Hello Tayana-

You are an adorable mom!!!!!! Please enjoy the family parade (including the new baby Hamsty), and let that annoying Pig Parent voice in your head fade into obscurity!!!

Love from Your Friend and Fellow Seeker of Happiness,
