Author Topic: letters  (Read 10453 times)


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Re: letters
« Reply #60 on: October 24, 2007, 05:01:26 PM »
Please, please, I need help.

OK. Something came out of my meeting with Mr. V my ex boss last week. The librarian did not come to school today. The custodios told me that she was called. Her son behaved very well and my class was more well behaved. So, I know it is her, she instigates the children against me. She says things to make them mock me. So, everybody was looking at me very strangely. I was being watched. The elementary teachers always bring their children early and pick them up late. So I was late today, five minutes, and the assistant principal was there watching me. then I had lunch duty and the assitant principal was watching me. We had teacher chapel today and the pastor said that adults should not use children as weapons to hurt other adults. The social studies teacher who is the team lieder of all of us, she always looks at me in a way that causes me chills. I do not know if I am in deeper trouble or that was a triunph.

Can somebody advise me? Please, please.


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Re: letters
« Reply #61 on: October 24, 2007, 05:18:15 PM »
I FEEL SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: letters
« Reply #62 on: October 24, 2007, 05:23:26 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I would like to help ,but I am not sure what you are asking. Maybe you could clarify the situation more.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: letters
« Reply #63 on: October 24, 2007, 05:39:37 PM »
It sounds like you have less clarity, after the meeting, than before you met with your ex boss?

I still don't know exactly what you said or he said or his wife said.

Could you fill us in, please?

It sounds like antenna's are up.... you've been tattling and people know it so you're being watched even more closely for it?

At least, you feel you are and maybe it's the case.

Keep doing your job. 

The children are being manipulated and they learn from watching you deal with this struggle. 

I think they probably don't want you to lose, as interesting and amusing as it may seem to them at times.... they don't want their lives to be about chaos, double crossing and undermining of authority figures in the important institutions of their lives, IMO. 

Remember.... you're in the right. 

What happens when you relate with the social studies teacher?  Is she one of the bully's?  Is she in thick wtih the Principal?

Honestly, it sounds like things are being shaken up and that at least the janitor is on your side. 

We'll see where it goes and Lupita will keep teaching excellent classes and trying to overcome and persevere.... as always: )

Interesting to see how long the Librarian is gone for.


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Re: letters
« Reply #64 on: October 24, 2007, 05:46:51 PM »
Please, please, I need help.

OK. Something came out of my meeting with Mr. V my ex boss last week. The librarian did not come to school today. The custodios told me that she was called. Her son behaved very well and my class was more well behaved. So, I know it is her, she instigates the children against me. She says things to make them mock me. So, everybody was looking at me very strangely. I was being watched. The elementary teachers always bring their children early and pick them up late. So I was late today, five minutes, and the assistant principal was there watching me. then I had lunch duty and the assitant principal was watching me. We had teacher chapel today and the pastor said that adults should not use children as weapons to hurt other adults. The social studies teacher who is the team lieder of all of us, she always looks at me in a way that causes me chills. I do not know if I am in deeper trouble or that was a triunph.

Can somebody advise me? Please, please.

Dear Lupita,

Something came out of my meeting with Mr. V my ex boss last week. The librarian did not come to school today

Maybe, rather than they are 'watching you' ..... they are just Looking at You

because they are all now fully aware of what has been going on ......... they are fully aware that the truth is out in the open

Most likely so ....... and in that case, yes, it is a triumph

The Pastor said that adults should not use children as weapons to hurt other adults

would clearly support

that everything is in the open now

Yes, that is a triumph.

Do not be afraid



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Re: letters
« Reply #65 on: October 25, 2007, 06:42:16 AM »
It sounds like you have less clarity, after the meeting, than before you met with your ex boss?

I still don't know exactly what you said or he said or his wife said.

I told him  that the principal was sucking up to the social studies teacher, English teacher and librarian. I told him that the librarian was interacting with the children giving advises in what to do with me and they are mocking me in class. She does not even have a high school degree. She should not be counseling children 18 years old. He said that she has worked there for eight years and those eight years the library was the center or gossip in the school. His wife stayed quiet all the time. I feel I can read eyes. I do not believe she is against me. I think the social studies teacher who has been there for 20 years is the one that hates me and instigated the new principal and others against me. She used the racism of the new principal. That is what I think. I believe that she hates me because of the attention I got from Mr. V last year.

Could you fill us in, please?

It sounds like antenna's are up.... you've been tattling and people know it so you're being watched even more closely for it?

The English teacher did not want to do his lunch duty. The custodios complained and the new principal told them that his teacher so not clean tables. I had lunch duty this week and I had the assistant principal there in the cafeteria to watch that I do a good job. Of course my children were working well.

At least, you feel you are and maybe it's the case.

Keep doing your job.

The children are being manipulated and they learn from watching you deal with this struggle.

I hope that after the sermon the pastor did yesterday they will stop using the children. That is very bad, not so much for me but so bad for the children.

I think they probably don't want you to lose, as interesting and amusing as it may seem to them at times.... they don't want their lives to be about chaos, double crossing and undermining of authority figures in the important institutions of their lives, IMO.

I hope that The children do not want me to go. I hope that the children like me. I hope that with all my heart.

Remember.... you're in the right.

What happens when you relate with the social studies teacher? Is she one of the bully's? Is she in thick wtih the Principal?

She is a horrible bully. She eats lunch with the principal. They are palls. The English teacher also.

Honestly, it sounds like things are being shaken up and that at least the janitor is on your side.

We'll see where it goes and Lupita will keep teaching excellent classes and trying to overcome and persevere.... as always: )

Interesting to see how long the Librarian is gone for.

For one day. She is so narcissistic that she needed a day to recover after they told her to stop interacting with the children.

Thank you Lea. Your words recomfort me.

Please friends, please, keep writing. i cant wait to read your posts. it help me so much.


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Re: letters
« Reply #66 on: October 25, 2007, 08:02:36 AM »
Dear Lupita,
  I  cannot follow the specific workings of the situation. . I am sorry. However,it is their loss not to appreciate you.
  I am so sorry that the whole situation got this "far"  out of hand.               Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: letters
« Reply #67 on: October 25, 2007, 01:21:34 PM »
Hmmmmm..... I'm tres tres amused by the librarians 'hand over forehead' day off work, lol.

Hah..... what an appropriately cold slap in the face for her.

To be accused of what she's guilty of and told to STOP interacting with the students. 


I gotta think that little ms. social studies teacher is paying attention...... and thinking about what this means for her.

You just keep teaching and smiling, being pleasant and professional..... really active and engaged with your students.

I love that you take every aspect of your job seriously...... even the lunch room duty, without complaint.

It's hard to find people who do their job well.... with pride and don't cause trouble.  As you can see..... you're really quite a rare gem; )

I'm curiouse..... how much pull does your ex boss have where you work?

What did he say he would do for you?

What did he say about what had been happening at school?

You're doing great, Lupita.  Stay strong and try to remain positive. 

Spend more time wondering what happened to the poor souls who're cruel to you, and being glad you aren't like them.

They have unhappiness and awful things in their pasts too.... it just manifests differently. 


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Re: letters
« Reply #68 on: October 25, 2007, 06:12:10 PM »
OMG I am shaking in my underware. The librarian is going to do her best to stab me again. We had fire drill today. unfortunately I was in the library making copies for my class. I had to go out with her and the pastor's son. As we were waiting for the call to come back in she asked me how was my mother. i said, is there a rumor of my mother being sick? She said no. i said she is fine, she works 12 hrs a day for 300 dollars a month. Then she said but you send money, i said no I do not have anything left, she said I know, it is a sacrifice to work here "in front of the pastor's son" then I said, but the previlege to talk about God with the kids cannot be substituted, and the pleasure to read the bible cannot be replaced with nothing. Then she said, and small classes, I said in public school I got at least one arrest a week for drugs or weapons, etc. she said is your mother educated? I said no, my mother did not finish middle school. I come from a very poor family. I am the first one in my entire family to go to university. She said, me too. The pastor's son said, we had drug problems here and weapons too, I said, really? I did not know about it. Finally we got in.
Then lunch duty, my lunch duty takes about 15 min, to clean tables and pick up trash, with the kids, the librarian son in my class, i said, W you will get extrapoints for helping here. She was there watching me the whole time. Just there watching me.

I thought I was not going to survive.

But the kids behaved well. After she was scolded, the kids behaved well. That is the most important thing for me.

I cannot believe that she ws using the pastor's kid to get me.

I hope that my answers were not adult stuff that I should not say infront of a kid. Because that is what the pastor said. Not to say adult stuff in front of kids.

Please tell me if you consider that what i said was inappropriate.

I was just trying to survive the moment.


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Re: letters
« Reply #69 on: October 25, 2007, 06:16:57 PM »
Do you think the pastor is involved? Do you think that the pastor'son is involved too?

That kid was me student last year and he was excellent. I thought I had a good relationship with him.

Sooner or later I will make a mistake. God help me. Please, God help me. They are too many. I cannot use Mr. V's help all the time.

God ha to protect me.


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Re: letters
« Reply #70 on: October 25, 2007, 06:48:13 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  It does not sound inapproriate to me. I am sorry that it is such a mess . I don't think that you are in danger of losing your job.I know at my son's Catholic High School,it was very hard to get teachers.I think that the best you can do is try to get strong and know you are worth s/thing.Maybe ---if you do a "kill them with kindness" tactic,you can get them off you.Maybe,if you don't fuel it at all by fear or anger ,it may dissipate.
  Hopefully,it will gradually dissipate and another "drama" will replace it for the teachers who seek that type of thing     Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: letters
« Reply #71 on: October 25, 2007, 07:12:35 PM »
Lupita calm down.

It may be more information than you want to share with a small minded bigoted little gossip but...... there was nothing wrong with what you said.  Maybe she'll cut you soime slack now that you two have something in common?

Doubtful, but one can only hope.

I didn't see any connection with the Pastor's son being used here.

How would he be in on this.... what did he say that made you think that?

Sounds like you need to stay focused. 

I'd continue to be very kind and professional, as you have, and see how it goes.

Again.... calm down.  Remember to breath and try to observe from a distance and not be so upset when you're around them.

You already know what's coming now.  Don't let them keep shocking you.

Identify it, know it's not fair treatment and refuse to let it in your head.

Respond professionally..... ask them exactly what they meant by a comment, ask them why they want to know..... ask them if you can get back to them about something you aren't comfortable with... but don't let them see you sweat and don't get freaked out around them.

Calm and easy winds the race. 

You'll make it.


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Re: letters
« Reply #72 on: October 26, 2007, 05:37:58 PM »
Just confussion. I am confused. Mr. V came on grand parent day today at school to stay in my class, he talked to the class about the importance of studying a foreign language and I did not say thank you. I showed all the songs that my students know even with rap and regeton, salsa, and Beauty and the Beast in Spanish. I am sure he liked it but he did not say anything. I love Mr. V with all my heart and when I love some one bad something happens.
Today everybody was nice to me. Why? I do not know. But it is scary. I wish they just be normal instead of hateful or extremely nice. They are such hypocrits. Hypochristians.
The librairan is chansing me around to try to make conversation with me. I need to find the way to get away form her. I really dislike her. I will avoid her as much as I can. She is a serpent. She is a snake. She is evil in person.
Finally I will rest a weekend after a peaceful Friday.
But I am so tired that I do not even want to go dancing, or gym, or nothing. Just have a drink and go to sleep. No energy. My legs do not support me. I do not even want to go to salsa class. Just to think to take a bath gives me chills of lazyness and tireness.

Poppy Seed

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Re: letters
« Reply #73 on: October 26, 2007, 06:06:44 PM »
Hey Lupita,

I have been reading and trying to keep tabs on you.  I am sorry I don't have anything wonderful to say about your job troubles.  But, I am thinking of you and supporting you from the cheap seats.

I hope you have  a restful weekend.  Sounds like exactly what you insides are asking for.  Two uninterrupted days where your brain can shut them out!!



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Re: letters
« Reply #74 on: October 27, 2007, 01:55:05 AM »
Was wandering what is my contribution to this kind of problems. Why an I always in trouble? Is this normal to everybody? Am I doing something bad?
I left the book club, another church, another job for the same reasons. Maybe I need to stay here and overcome the problem to feel some kind of stability. I do not know what to do.
I left my family, my hometown, all for the same reasons. I have ben running away from problems instead of solving them and staying.
They do not like me, I leave. People do not like me and I leave. That is what I do.
I should not care if the like me or not. Should I?