I so need to hear what you all had to say.
One thing I am pleased about is the absolute clarity about me needing to take care of myself. Your reinforcement on that point is so welcomed. Building my own life is my priority and I need and want to hold onto that.
Oh Hops, you wise wise woman,
Yes, I had those feelings, the adrenilin pumped, the justification of myself, the appeal to her understanding, the desire for enmeshment, the connection with the daughter figure back in my life, the pull to the N drama. I was so back in the explaining place again. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Oozing gratitude for your straight talking.
Not sure if it is a self destruct urge but without a doubt I want to put on those rose tinted glasses again. The responses I have had from everyone have been so grounding for me, just what I needed to hear. The honesty and concern for my well being is jumping off the screen at me. I feel beloved, such a good feeling and in such an honest way. I am not being manipulated by anyone here, each person is giving me their truth and I respect and value tha so much. IT is such a different way of communicating compared to Nville. It is REAL.
I have no doubt she is looking for a mother figure, she has always been desperate for one having been abandoned by her mother so early on BUT I am not her mother, I am my son's mother and need to remember that.
I am so conscious about the pull towards her. I told her she needs to be her own best friend well I need to hear that myself. If I am to be my own best friend I would remember the saying "believe behaviour and forget the words" I have always been seduced by words, heck that is how I ended up with Xn. Her lack of concern for me in the crazy making raises a bright, glowing red flag. I did not matter to her then what makes it different now other than she would have the fun of me and a connection that makes her feel better. I also take your point about there being something about control here for me. You are right my son's life is my son's life. I have no control over it.
"Pay attention to everything" well, I was and I was back there trying to make it ok for her. In some ways letting her off the hook wanting everything to be FIXED again. Hops described my feelings perfectly, the buzz, the sense of I had sorted something out = control, a feeling of I made her see the truth which in reality is Bull. There was an unconscious game going on with me, I am beginning to see that. I was playing out my old fixer stuff - which as we grown ups know does not work.
Another wonderful straight talker. Yes, it has changed my demeanour, the pull back to the drama is there. And she did throw me to the wolves. And she is still hooked into those two dysfunctional people and did I not say here on a number of occasions that I did not want any more drama in my life. And did I not say I wanted nothing to do with XN and his family. And did I not say I wanted healthy excitement and peace in my life. Oh Axa, what a trip you have just had. Need some grown up time again.
THinking it through - do I trust her - NO. Why would I want someone in my life I do not trust
Do I think she wants contact with me because it is in my interest - NO I think it is because it makes her feel good.
Do I fear that she will use my son - unwittingly yes but it is outside of my control
Do I think her intentions are good - Yes but what does that mean in reality.
Do I think she would throw me to the wolves again if the occasion arose - Yes
Am I responsible for her - NO
Have I slipped back into the drama - Yes
Why have I slipped back into the drama - not sure because I did feel so good with my new life. Maybe it has to do with residual anger about XN's treatment of me and D having contact with my son has poked that again.
Do I want my good life back - YES
Do I want to focus on my study rather then being engulfed in the N drama - Yes
I am also conscious that it was the wounded abandoned child in her that seduces me. It seems like I am still attracted to that which signals for me that that part of me needs some nurturing and growing up. Maybe this is the lesson in this for me. That I will continue to be attracted to the Ns disguised as wounded children until I heal that need in myself. Stepping back the interaction with the D is an acting out. I am looking beneath the drama, the desire for the contact to what I am projecting here. Seems to me that little axa needs lots of care right now and rather than rescuing XN's D my energy needs to go on rescuing little axa.
I am so grateful that I noted the red flags in my contact with her - a step forward for me. I am grateful that I was not COMPLETELY seduced by her. I am grateful that I posted here and have learned another lesson about the depths of my own dysfunction and need.
I feel a lot clearer and would like to continue this thread exploring the issue that has surfaced for me. How I act out my own need to nurture on another rather than myself - familiar theme but still needs work.
I know I have moved and learned but still only taking baby steps.