Axa, I took your suggestion and a few minutes to make a "positive list" even though some of the things on it are rather trivial.
Excerpt from journal, the positive list:
* moved out of parent's house
* dealt with the emotional fallout of moving
* concentrated on the positive aspects of moving with M
* dealt with M's anger and rage because we moved, am still dealing with the occaisional, we should move back.
* established new, positive routines, cooking together, exercise, etc.
* found summer activities for M
* got M settled in new school
* made homework low key and less structured
* stopped the constant yelling and criticism
* got a rat (hamster)
* trained the dog to s pend the day alone
* installed shelf in laundry room
* organized the house
* donated and sold lots of stuff
* still have money in the bank
* survived
* dev. a positive relationship with M's teacher
* sent M to camp
* learned to make bread
That's what I came up with after about five minutes. I don't know that I would call some of those things accomplishments, really.
Ami, my mom has frequently told me that I'm the reason she's sick, and she's told me before when I've done normal, healthy things that she'll either be in the hospital or dead when I get back. I understand exactly what you're saying. It's a horrible choice isn't it, especially for a child. Either die a spiritual death or kill your parent. Terrible choice.
Poppy, writing out my feelings helps a little. I wish I could say that a good nights sleep helped, but it didn't really. I feel just as bad today as I did last night. I don't really sleep all that well, and I got up extra early this morning to pick up things. I think part of my problem is that M is supposed to have company tonight, unless the other boy changed his mind. For M's sake, I hope not. But a teeny little part of me, the very selfish part, hopes he doesn't come. It upsets my routine, and I don't like that. In fact, knowing that I might have other people in my house, turns on this switch. The house has to be perfect. It has to be clean and swept and shiny with no piles or trash or shoes or toys everywhere.
I felt the switch come on last night, and I know where it came from. Having company at my mom's house, even if it's just my brother, meant that it had to be cleaned from top to bottom, everything had to be perfect. We had to cook a big meal, and that had to be perfect. We couldn't just order pizza or have burgers or something. I can't turn this switch off. Just the thought of having someone beside M and me in the house makes me feel jittery, sick, obssesive-compulsive, and sad because I shouldn't feel like this over having another 10 year old in my house.
Change that NO ONE word. It is not good for you. It is black and white. Change those statements to 'I' statements.
I care about ME.
I want to see myself strong and independent.
I understand how much I hurt.
I can do things for myself that are truly helpful.
Poppy, I can do the last three, but not that first one. I'm not sure I do care. I feel like I'm trying so hard, and I'm just failing miserably. Last night M told me he's depressed because the kids at school didn't like him, and I tried to explain that he has one friend and he should concentrate on having one really good friend rather than having everyone like him. He didn't understand. See? That's what I mean. I'm obviously not doing something right because I make all of these changes and nothing really changes.
I had to apologize to my son and explain that I didn't feel good last night, and that's why we were talking about depression. I was trying to explain that I felt really sad, and I didn't mean to be so irritable.
I took him to Earth Club this morning, and I asked him if he felt better about things. he said no, that he still feels sad, but when he got to his club he was all smiles. He seems really happy, but I know that sometimes the exterior hides something dark inside. He won't talk about his feelings though, no matter how hard I try to get him to. He said he felt a little better, but he still didn't smile. I was teasing him this morning, after he told me he never smiled. I caught him smiling.
I do have a really good friend who helps me, and I"ve helped her. It's just that she lives in a different state.
I'm supposed to see my doctor on Monday. That seems so far away. Maybe that will help.