Oh, CB,
I worked for a woman who was that horrible. Reading that book and watching the movie sent me directly back into that situation. I had to leave the job. It was just what I wanted in a job, but she was so cruel. She tried her hardest to "break" me, daily. Everyone feared her, so it wasn't until I was leaving that I was told by many that they couldn't imagine how I could deal with her. In fact, in my life, I have had so many bosses of that type - very cruel, heartless. My last boss was Nish, but kind enough.
I think you are right about there being a scale - impossible to just annoying. As for marriage - even having had a sweet husband, I don't think I would marry again - especially while I had children. I count myself as very lucky that my husband turned out to be the kind of man I thought he was.
Interesting thread, and irksome... it's like having a book that is Co-existing with the Alligator in Your Backyard. Do you remove the alligator (especially if it could attack the kids). If you love animals, do you just feed it and hope to keep it happy? Do you call animal control? Do you shoot it? Do you ignore it and hope it won't bite you too hard?
Love, Beth