I wish I had a mother. I feel like there is this big gaping hole in my life, and I sometimes try to talk myself into calling her again. I tell myself that a crappy mother is better than no mother. Since having my own children, there are so many things that I wish I could ask her. I have no sisters. I feel like there is no female role model for me, no one that I can confide in or lean on. Most of the time, I pretend that my mother is dead, which is easiest for me. If I think about the fact that she is alive, and only 2 1/2 hours away, it makes the sadness and loneliness too hard to bear.
Dear Heather,
I am so sorry that you have an N mother too, who has treated you so badly that its caused a 7 year separation between you both. It really is so hard to stop wishing for the motherly love we never had, isn't it? And its so hard to stop feeling angry and disappointed, I know.
After reading your post, my first thoughts were that if you want to resume contact because you want those things you mentioned, such as a female role model in your life that you can confide in, who is `like a sister' , it would probably be very disappointing for you. I know that is so hard to hear, but your mother just can't can't give those things to you because she is an N. She has an emotional illness, which prevents her from loving you like that, and I know that is tragic and hard to live with. But it can be a weight off your shoulders to accept that too, and to see her for who she really is.
I think perhaps the best way forward right now would be to work towards making peace with who she is, as well as her needs and limitations. And the other part of this, of course, is working out who you are and what your needs and limitations are too. When you figure that out, you may find a place for her in your life, on your terms. Or you may decide that the relationship is totally impossible. But reality is always a good place to start, in any case.
X bella