Author Topic: Why do I always feel 'other'?  (Read 7713 times)


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Re: Why do I always feel 'other'?
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2007, 05:19:35 PM »
Does God Really Prefer Men?

An Open Letter To The American Church

Free E-Book


Lots of website Links


... for women to assume the full scope of the role for which they were created.

Site also supports women who have suffered abuse.

Lots of Articles and Links etc.


Recommend the following BOOKS which I have read recently, and have used in my research:

(1)   JUNIA The First Woman Apostle by Eldon Jay Epp

Yes, there was a woman apostle, she is in the new testament ---depending upon which version of Bible you possess!

Romans 16:7

The apostle Paul, gave Junia the title of apostle, alongside her partner, Andronicus.

Junia was recognised by the early Christian writers and the Orthodox church.

Educated Women actually served as Leaders in the early church and had freedom to speak in the church

(2)   What Paul Really Said About Women by John Temple Bristow

An Apostle's Liberating Views on Equality in Marriage, Leadership, and Love.

The apostle Paul has been so maligned - wrongly, for saying that women should be quiet, subjective and submissive.

All taken out of context, and a text out of context is a pretext.

When I attended Bible College to study Theology ten years ago --- to their credit they actually pointed out the truth
regarding the words of the Apostle Paul.

The fact is years ago ordinary women were not educated outside the home.

But, Noble women were educated.

.... That's the difference.


Ten Lies The Church Tells Women



By J. Lee Grady

We live in the 21st century, but if we're honest we have to admit that in some ways the church is still in the Dark Ages--especially when we look at the way we treat women.

Even though the Scriptures never portray women as secondary to men, our male-dominated religious system still promotes a warped view of female inferiority.  Women are tired of this, and as a man, so am I--because such demeaning attitudes don't reflect God's heart. 

Jesus challenged gender prejudice at its core when He directed so much of His ministry toward women.  In a Middle Eastern culture that considered women mere property, He healed women, discipled them and commissioned them to minister.  Yet today we spend much of our energy denying them opportunities--and using the Bible to defend our prohibitions. 

I've identified 10 erroneous views about women that for too long have been circulated in the church, preached from pulpits and written in the study notes of popular Bible translations.  I believe we must debunk these lies if we want to see the church fully released to fulfill the Great Commission.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2007, 09:09:23 PM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: Why do I always feel 'other'?
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2007, 05:43:36 PM »
Hops and Leah,

Thanks so much - I'll follow them up now....



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Re: Why do I always feel 'other'?
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2007, 08:37:38 PM »
Dear Janet,

Your church sounds really awesome, and what a blessing to have such a group in your town! I also agree that you'd be so good at the public-education/ sales  side of charity
work. Its sounds like one of those organizations that you'd feel so good about promoting too.

I hope you are feeling ok today; its been such a big week for you with all thsi and now your Dad being in hospital. I'll be thinking about you!

X Bella


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Re: Why do I always feel 'other'?
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2007, 09:26:51 PM »

I see you as a rare person, certainly. Your artistic talent is something most of the rest of us can only dream about. Your kind heart,ethics and intelligence are well-formed and not in the average range. Your sweet love story and happy marriage are also things that many would love to emulate, if they only could.
All of humanity has intrinsic worth,and I am not disparaging anyone whose tastes and life happens to run its course down the mainstream . But you are special Janet- though you may not always get recognition for it, and it may have some lonely moments. There are many women who live in oppression, who cannot use their talents and choose their own paths- they are required to follow a rigid system and cannot be different. You find what is rigt for you, not what is in fashion.
You are perhaps a trailblazer in many respects, which can be hard. I think that you are admirable and an inspiration, and you give m hope that I  may refashion my life , in my own way.

Love and Happy New Year to a Truly Incredible Person,

« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 09:56:13 PM by changing »


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Re: Why do I always feel 'other'?
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2007, 09:38:14 PM »
Janet!!!!!!!!!!! If not by thata porno add we would not have heard of you. How are you? We love you anad miss you. Where you are? How is the weather in Ingalnd? Is is true that Inglish people have the best manners at the table? I am always been very kind of "vulgar" i do nto have another owrd I can use, on table and on everything. Bit I have laways heard that Engish people have the best manners for society in general. What can you say at that?
We Latin are very bad at manners, we interrupt people, we talk loud, constantly use the wrong utensils on the table. made wrong comments, etc. I have a coworker who is English, and I have to bow at her, she has the best discipline in her class, her students are the best behave in the whole school, so, there must be some true in that.
Love to you.