Lighter, I think my dad just puts his head down and endures. He won't contact me, or ask me to go to the flea market. He's afraid to contact me. And I can understand that. I feel guilty for being angry with him now, because that crazy woman tries to keep me away from him. It's not right.
Leah, thanks. I'm glad I'm not the only one. This isn't the first time she's fabricated something, just the first time it's been so blatantly a lie.
Ami, you are exactly right. I was building up my courage to talk to her, and then I heard that I was just so shocked and stunned. It strengthened my resolve to continue NC. I know M is going to want to see her, eventually, but I just can't. At some point I'll have to talk to her, but not right now. Maybe once I see if I can get my panic attacks, anxiety and everything else under control, then I'll contact her.
Hops, my mother has hinted, though never really admitted that she was sexually abused. I don't know for sure. I know she was physically abused, and I can feel sympathy for that. She's often told me that "I don't know how good I have it because no one beat or raped me." You know, I almost wish someone had. At least then there would some physical thing I could point to and say, you hurt me. Instead she just crushed my spirit. I think its worse. She has these distorted beliefs about sex and love in general, and that's what makes me wonder about sexual abuse. She just makes comments, and her obsession with child molesters in general. I don't know. It still doesn't give her a reason to treat people the way she does. It doesn't give her a reason to fabricate stories and punish people for things that never happened. At some point, she needs to get help. Like I told my brother last night (whose also been in therapy), why are we the ones who go see the mental health professionals. I don't think we're the ones who need it.
Lighter, oh, your sister sounds positively . . . the word I want to use isn't very kind, so I won't. I understand about acting like she'd done something clever though. My mother gets this smirk, and her head kind of wobbles a little and she looks so damned smug. The way she talks about fooling people and the schemes she comes up with, is just sickening.
Bean, normal people think I'm being cruel because I'm not speaking to her. They think I'm the one being petty. That I'm punishing my mother. They don't see things like this. It's awful.