In one certain scenario, the x served as a surrogate parent for the younger sibling. The family seemed to have some sort of connection with other relatives, but the main inner circle was centered around immediate family...mother/father/siblings/children of X's. I did hear X mention their relatives once in while, but you are right...there didn't seem to be family picnics or real close ties to them. The only real closeness i noticed was the x's and a church group, which seemed to be the main focus during x's childhoods anyway. They all seemed very reluctant to welcome many people into their private lives, with GOOD reason.
I have noticed that for many dysfunctional people, it is easier for X's to open up with online relationships with people, yet, often when they finally do meet those people in person, the tend to be shocked, devalue and punish them, discard them and then replace them with the next unblessed victim. It's just what they do, cause, as Dr Phil would say "somewhere along the line, this behavior earned some payoff of some kind."
With me, I think x's were stunned that the payoff did not come as they were used to. That shocked them into deciding I was an enemy and worthy of being targeted for destruction of, at least my individual identity. Do I think or believe x's did this CONSCIOUSLY? NOT ON YER LIFE! These people sincerely believed that they were doing what was for "my own good." I will give them at least that much. Subconsciously, the whistle blowers must be SILENCED...they know TOO MUCH and if they TELL, what will become of our fantasy world? right?...