I've just had a phone call from my Dad's 'ladyfriend', Christine, to say that my Dad has been taken into hospital, but they're not sure what is wrong. He has stomach pains, and they think it might be something to do wth his pancreas. My Dad is 79, and he's the only relative that I speak to. He got divorced from my NMum about 10 years ago, after putting up with her for 37 years, so the man deserves a medal. I live 300 miles from him, so I can't easily visit. But what is freaking me out is that I'm too terrified to visit, even if I could, because of the fear that I'd bump into the NMum or Nsister at the hospital. I am so angry that at this point in his life, I still feel controlled by the N's. Christine has tried to get information from the hospital, but they won't tell her much, because she's 'just a friend', but they WILL discuss it with my NMum - isn't that crazy? They've been divorced for years, but she still gets to come first. Christine doesn't really understand the situation, because she said to me 'I don't know much, but I'm sure if you speak to one of the family, they'll be able to tell you'. Hmmm. Don't think so, but then, I can't bring myself to contact anyone, and that makes me feel so guilty, too. I'll have to wait till the morning to phone the hospital (it's midnight here).
I could do with some prayer support please.