I really don't know what to say to that. You are just so special. How do you do it? Practice, I suppose!
As to my 'art work' (sorry, not confident enough yet to write that without the inverted commas) - apart from designing for my business, I've just been asked by the minister of our church if I'd like to do some embroideries for the Chapel, as it's a fairly new building, and so far is very plain. It's something I've thought about since I started attending the chapel about a year ago. It'll be a really long project, as there's lots of bare walls to fill, and also things like lecturn falls, alms bag, banners, etc. to do.Could keep me going for years! The congregation is so small, there's no-one else there who even does embroidery, so, in a way I'm lumbered with doing it all myself, but in another way I have 'free rein' to do the stitching exactly how I want (i.e., I can make it quite complicated and detailed, without having to worry about if anyone else can follow my instructions). At the moment, I haven't got to the sensible planning stage, I'm still at the WOO-HOO!!! stage.