Thank you Shunned, Ami and ToWrite.
Towrite, I'm really working hard on setting boundaries, because growing up I never had any. I never had privacy. If I was in the bathroom, my mom was free to barge in. If I was in my room with the door shut, she barged in. I'm not speaking to my NM or my father right now, so I'm able to do a little better job maintaining boundaries, but I'd gotten to where I told them very little of what was going on in my life. I couldn't trust my mother not to butt in. When I first moved, I mentioned that the phone company hadn't give me a number to call for my voice mail. So she took it upon herself to call about it, get the access number and the pass code. About a week later the information about my phone services arrived in the mail. And I had to change my pass code because I was afraid she'd call and try to get my messages. So I've learned I can't even mention minor frustrations like poor service with a utility company.
Ami, I try to do the things that feel right and reject the ones that don't. I try. I don't often succeed.
Shunned, thank you. I am trying to teach M some sense of responsiblity because my mom would never allow me to do so when we lived with her. He's supposed to give his hamster fresh food/water everyday, feed his fish, change the dog's water and keep his room clean for his allowance. He does reasonably well on the animals, not so good on the room. The room drives me nuts because he forgets to put anything up, and when I say put it away, I get "just a minute." We had a little argument yesterday over his room. We had an argument earlier because he wanted to buy something he hadn't planned on buying, but he also wanted to buy what he planned, and he didn't have enough money. He can spend his allowance on things, but I often won't buy him toys or something like that. So he had to choose. I'd just bought him something the day before. He didn't like choosing. He never does because he wants it and he wants it right now. Eventually though he made a much wiser choice than what he'd originally planned, and he actually bought a handheld game instead of what he'd planned on buying. A better choice overall.
Actually, he kind of likes the decorating thing. He picked out curtains, but the store didn't have them in stock. This weekend, I think we'll get some for his room. He's really good with colors, in fact. Its the artist in him, I guess.
I just don't want to end up doing to him what my mom did to me. I'm so wary about talking about my problems in front of him. I try not to even talk to my brother or my friends where he can hear because I don't want him listening. I've had to field questions like, "Why don't you like grandma?"
And I've had to answer something like . . . "It's not that I don't like grandma, it's just that we don't agree on a lot of things and so we argue a lot."
Or the other night when I had to explain, "Grandma called me and said a lot of mean things that really hurt my feelings."
I was my mother's emotional dumping ground. I'll never forget the time when I was a teenager and she declared she didn't think she'd ever had an orgasm in front of my father and a bunch of other people. I was horrified. Or when I was in school and my parents came up for one of their very rare visits and we went for pizza. When she couldn't get the waiter's attention, she whistled for him. I thought I was going to die. She thought she was so clever too.