I always knew that the road would end here.
The only problem is, that I was never on the road to begin with. No, like a fool in a madhouse, I was on the road of fantasy. As long as I travelled down that road, I could never reach my desired goal. So what exactly was that road:
It was a fantasy of understanding from another individual.
It was a fantasy of justice and reparations, again from that individual.
It was a fantasy of waking up and realizing it was all a dream.
Ah, but there it is, the reality of the situation. It was just a dream, a demented dream that I conjured up in my head. The entire dream was MY making. So, just as easily as I can make it, I can break it, crush it, make it my own. It is gone! It no longer means anything to me, it has no value.
Does that solve my problems. NO!
I must be responsible for my own course in life and this takes courage. It takes courage to recognize that indeed we do walk through this world in darkness, but we still walk. How we proceed is in our hands. We must use our will and get what we want instead of hoping to get it from our dreams. Get out and seek, only then will you find. You only get one shot, so start using it. And in the process never again subjugate yourself to a fantasy. If they do not serve you, then vanquish them. You will know when you find yourself, it is that point where the world seems just

First forget your dreams, now start to live the dream.