Dear Changing, Kelly, Janet Leah and Hops
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart ( and every l space within it). You have given me a gift with your caring
Yesterday was a huge turning point for me.
Janet---you are so right about KNOWING down deep that it is NC.You don't have to say it and it is probably better if you don't .It is the down deep decision that you make that there must be NO MORE ABUSE.You feel it in your heart and soul ---NO MORE.
I never got here before. I thought that my M was ""different(denial).It is the same denial we go through with an abusive man( relationship)
WE don't want it to be true.IF we twist ourselves around enough,we can make it NOT true but we have to give up reality.
I gave up all reality about myself. I gave up that I had anything "on the ball". I gave up that I was "anything" at all.
My Aunt "shocks' me b/c she says,"Ami, you are a lovely girl, How do you think of yourself so badly?". The way that she says it is like,"how' could I be so "silly".
This ,always,hits me in a strange way. However,yesterday,it hit me HOW much my M got me to distort myself. I was in the "fun house' mirror and I was the ugliest ,most distorted one in the whole fun house.My Aunt has been a gift from God. She is just like my Grandmother.Life is so much simpler for her. She has a right and wrong,unlike my M who is too important to be "bothered' with right and wrong and will decimate you if you try to have 'character'.
My aunt is a defined person. She accepts herself. It is like "not" being in the "fun house",but looking in a 'regular ' mirror.
Hops, you are right.The saga of my M HAS to come to an end. Yesterday ---WAS the end.I don't have to 'touch" the snake ,anymore,
Changing,what you said about not carrying her cross anymore is so right. Yesterday,I felt "real'. I don't have to punish myself anymore. I failed at making her well. I tried everythung.I would even have died for her,but I failed. She is as sick as I left her at 14.
I lost myself at 14 to try to make her well. I gave all these years and my blood and guts to make her well. HERE she is as sick as ever. This would be the kind of irony that would have you laughing so hard that you would end up in a mental institution. You know how you see people laughing in movies and they end up in a mental institution. That is the kind of laughter that I feel I could have now. It would start with regular laughter and end up with "insanity"
However, Changing, yesterday,I had a wonderful day,in a way. Everything seemed "real'. I saw so many beautiful things that were '"real'. I sat next to my Poodle and just touched her "wolfman' face( she needs to be groomed). Her face has been with me through so much of the pain of my marrige and my M. She has evacuated with me in hurricanes. She sits by my chair and doesn't let anyone near me(protects me like my parents didn't)
I just felt her hair and cried b/c I love her so much.I really looked at my house and saw all the beauty that Maria helped me to put there----beautiful paintings, the dining room table that is all glass and white with white flowers.Today, I play the paino and guitar. I don't have to punish myself anymore. It was all to keep HER "real" and ME "dead." Now, she is "dead' and I am 'real". Amber, I think that is a key for me. Who is the 'real" one?. It didn't work. All these years later, she is exactly the same as when I left her--bleh.
I do not have to take away my joy anymore .so I could be the "bad" one(for my M)
Kelly, thank you for sending your love to me. I don't have to be defined by my M anymore.You "crashed" and found yourself. That must be what we need to do. We "crash" somehow and are "reborn" as us----not their clone.
Leah, Thank you for your understanding. The fact that you understand and have gone through this helps to take away the raw pain.Thank you for your kindness--Leah.
This was one freakin "birth process" to become "real". However, with all your help and love,I think that I got there. Thank you so,very,very much Love Ami
(((((((((((Changing, Kelly, Janet, Hops, Leah))))))))))))))))) Hugs of Thanks