This is quite a list. I do see some of these behaviors in me that I've been working on, and definitely experienced some in others as well Here is what I've experienced:
1. Self-centered. His needs are paramount. ME SOMETIMES, OTHERS
4. Does not care about the consequences of his actions. - OTHERS
5. Projects his faults on to others. High - OTHERS...GENERALLY THEY CAN'T SEE FAULT IN THEMSELVES OR DON'T WANT TO.
blaming behavior; never his fault. - MY HUSband
6. Little if any conscience. - OTHERS
. 7. Insensitive to needs and feelings of others- OTHERS
8. Has a good front (persona) to impress and exploit others - OTHERS
9. Low stress tolerance. Easy to anger and rage- OTHERS, SOMETIMES ME
10. People are to be manipulated for his needs. - OTHERS
11. Rationalizes easily. Twists conversation to his gain at other’s expense. If trapped, keeps
talking, changes the subject or gets angry. - OTHERS
12. Pathological lying. - DAUGHTER
13. Tremendous need to control situations, conversations, others. - OTHERS
14. No real values. Mostly situational. - OTHERS
15. Often perceived as caring and understanding and uses this to manipulate. - OTHERS
16. Angry, mercurial, moods. - OTHERS
19. Conversation controller. Must have the first and last word. - OTHERS BUT SOMETIMES ME
20. Is very slow to forgive others. Hangs onto resentment. - OTHERS
26. Grandiose. Convinced he knows more than others and is correct in all he does. - OTHERS
27. Lacks ability to see how he comes across to others. Defensive when confronted with his behavior. Never his fault.- OTHERS
28. Can get emotional, tearful. This is about show or frustration rather than sorrow. - OTHERS
29. He breaks woman's spirits to keep them dependent. - OTHERS
30. Needs threats, intimidations to keep others close to him. - OTHERS
31. Sabotages partner. Wants her to be happy only through him and to have few or no outside interests and acquaintances. - OTHERS
33. Convincing. Must convince people to side with him. - OTHERS, SOMETIMES ME
34. Hides his real self. Always “on” - OTHERS
35. Kind only if he's getting from you what he wants. - OTHERS, HAVE TO WATCH THIS ONE WITH ME
36. He has to be right. He has to win. He has to look good. - OTHERS
38. Does not discuss openly, has a hidden agenda. - OTHERS
40. Unilateral condition of, "I'm OK and justified so I don't need to hear your position or ideas" - OTHERS
41. Always feels misunderstood. - OTHERS
42. You feel miserable with this person. He drains you. - OTHERS SAY THEY FEEL THIS ABOUT ME SOMETIMES
43. Does not listen because he does not care.- OTHERS
44. His feelings are discussed, not the partners. - OTHERS
45. Is not interested in problem-solving.. - OTHERS...I AM A CONFRONTER AND NEGOTIATOR TYPE
46. Very good at reading people, so he can manipulate them. - OTHERS, SOMETIMES ME SO I HAVE TO BE CAREFUL OF IT.