betr, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you and share my heart on this one.
When X first left, took off with the next supply source, I felt betrayed, sad, depressed, disoriented, disillusioned. I would even try and talk to people X knew and try to piece together some sort of understanding of WHY it all turned out the way it did.
After some time without X went by, I went through cycles of seeing X as all bad, mean, cruel, wrong...then I'd flip back into remembering times we shared together that were fun, exciting, mysterious, playful...till eventually, X DID come back..right on this very board as a matter of fact, and I then remembered how awful things could be when X was in full "punish mode" of me. I began realizing that it wasn't worth the torment i had to endure, in order to have a few somewhat good moments with X. I also began remembering how conversations with X ended up being focused on X unless it was a situation where X could try and "fix" me.
There will be some space in time, where you go back n forth with feelings. I STILL DO. I have things that remind me of X and make me say "I wonder if........" but ya know, eventually N's leave and X left too. I mean, they leave FOREVER...and then, all the time you wasted focused on the what if's and the dreams that got shattered, only hurt you...X and N will move on in life and you will still be pining away at what never could be, cause it actually NEVER WAS.
Just some food for thought.