She's sure her way is the best way. She's rather single minded and one tracked. It makes her a dynamo at getting stuff done.
It also makes her very limited in her conversations. It's all details about every little decisions she's made or is making or may make and why she's making it on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on..... it goes and goes and goes. I don't even have the energy to address everything and I certainly don't want to debate and lose or make it even worse.
If I have to hear about her NANNY HOUSEKEEPER, that keeps her house EXACTLY like she does AND handles the children most of the day, so she doesn't have to see them hardly at all...... over and over and over again.... every day...... when I disagree with the entire concept... it's very difficult to express anything negative bc she's demanding that her decisions be complimented and she be awarded the WONDERFUL PERSON OF THE YEAR award, bc she really feels she deserves it.
She's doesn't invite discussion..... she invites validation. Nothing else is allowed in and I'm sure we'd be going round and round if I suggested her PERFECT plan wasn't lookin too healthy.
Of course, when she's running around trying to press charges against the PERFECT NANNY HOUSEKEEPER for being a thief and criminal...... I don't hear the end of that either.
The truth was, I stopped going round there when the entire non english speaking family moved into their house. I left those little children with Criminals too.
I thought it was a bad idea. Apparently their mother and father couldn't see that, but I could.
I do feel responsible.
I used to go over there every morning and bath my niece and feed her...... she was the most wonderful laughing child I've ever had the pleasure of caring for.
At some point, of having crap stuffed in her face to keep her quiet, she stopped laughing.
She became a huge problem and I didn't know enough about child discipline to help any of them. That's one reason why I began researching it in earnest. Everything they did was wrong wrong wrong but I didn't have the guts or the fact to back up my feelings.
And so..... 'for the triumph of evil.... all that is necessary is for good men to do nothing.' And I did nothing. I don't do enough now either.
I'll just have to learn to live with that I guess.