Author Topic: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability  (Read 5989 times)


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Re: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability
« Reply #45 on: November 07, 2007, 09:23:48 PM »

I don't think that you can be stopped for very long- you are too wild and vivacious! Glad the car problem was not so bad- did they gie you a refund on the battery that was too small( boneheads)?


« Last Edit: November 07, 2007, 10:13:21 PM by changing »


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Re: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability
« Reply #46 on: November 08, 2007, 07:15:09 AM »

My darling husband bought the car for me on e bay.... a very low price.

When it came, I had it checked out.

All the parts were the wrong parts.

Down to the battery, which was somehow missed.  Mercedes dealership jokingly asked me if I wanted to keep it..... put it in my lawnmower... or something: / 

No.  Thanks.

Merry Christmas darling.... put the children in this unsafe car and hope you live to see New Years.

::kiss kiss::


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Re: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability
« Reply #47 on: November 08, 2007, 08:28:58 AM »
That was a really selfish thing for your H to do( your car). Does he have a good car?                Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

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   Carl Jung

finding peace

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Re: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability
« Reply #48 on: November 09, 2007, 11:02:29 PM »
Hey Lighter,

I am sorry –

I heard what can I do, not I feel bad that I didn’t do more.  I understand better now.

Although, I have to say, given the details you’ve given, it still doesn’t sound as though you failed your niece.

There is only so much you can do. 

Could you have swooped in there and taken her away?  No.

Could you have called CPS?  Maybe, but ultimately, they probably would have closed the case without action and it would have put her under more stress, not to mention caused an irrevocable chasm in your relationship with her parents.  Ultimately, that would have been worse.

A very close relative of mine has an autistic child.  At 1.5 years, I was noticing behaviors that would indicate autism.  I wasn’t sure, but there were a lot of signs.  I watched closely.  By the age of 2, I was convinced.  I kept suggesting to my relative that they have the baby examined.  I was ignored – blown off.

At 2.5, there was no language development.  My relative started to express concern.  I suggested that at the least, he have the baby’s ears checked to see if there was a hearing problem (knowing well that this was not a problem).  I was ignored.

At 3.5, they enrolled him in pre-school.  He was kicked out for head butting the teacher in the stomach.  At that time, the teacher told them to have him assessed for autism.  My relative was so outraged at the teacher he was considering litigation.  Of course - there was nothing wrong with his child.  Thankfully, his wife had the baby tested.

He was diagnosed autistic. 

I don’t know if you are familiar with autism, but for the future wellbeing of children with autism, it is critical to have early intervention; the earlier the better.

This child went 2 years undiagnosed.

I tried.  Do you think I should beat myself up because I didn’t try harder?

To some extent I am upset that I didn’t try harder.  But realistically, bottom line, I believe that no matter what I said or did, it would not have made a difference unless my relative was willing to listen.  His head was stuck so far up his ass he couldn’t possibly hear anything he didn’t want to hear (it was a pride issue – there is nothing wrong with my son!).

I can see in your story (although not a lot of details), that circumstances may have been similar?

You did the best you could with what you had at the time.  What you know now is better yes?  But even given what you know now, could you have done anything differently then

Every decision we make is a pro/con choice – we have to consider everything, and ultimately, when it comes to other people’s children, there is not much we can do unless there is gross negligence and horrific abuse. 

It is sad IMO, but the only thing we can do is be a good role model for the child.   But, never underestimate how much this can mean to a child – it made all the difference to me.

Please let the heartache go.  There was nothing more that you could have done without potentially causing irreparable harm.

I hear the echoes of self-anger and self-sadness in your post – and I truly believe it is unwarranted.

« Last Edit: November 09, 2007, 11:50:36 PM by finding peace »
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Re: Today I will have energy and use it to the best of my ability
« Reply #49 on: November 10, 2007, 10:03:05 AM »
Peace.... my brother's family plan to move next door to me, over the summer.

That's a lot of contact, considering all the things I feel like saying.... and don't say.

I'm the easy going member of the family...... heh... I know what you're thinking!  Can you imagine what the rest are like, lol!?!?

I lose that place if I start speaking my mind... and not just nodding and making low key observations, which may be of SOME help.

Once I begin telling it like it is.... I doubt I'll have any place there much less get any input in for anyone.

If I had it to do over again?  Would I have snatched my SIL and sib up by their collars and told them they were screwing up..... fire the damned nanny and quit blowing smoke up their own asses.... their children were suffering and that I wouldn't stand for?

Hmmmm...... I can't imagine DOING that.....

and yet....

right now, sitting here pounding away on this keyboard with what's going on inside of me right......

I can't imagine NOT doing it: /

The lion's share of my heart says the children were more important and......

 all that's necessary for the triumph of evil.......

and all that.

I don't think I'll be able to keep the same relationship I have now anyway so..... might as well have stepped out of it when there was more to be gained, when my niece's wellbeing was on the line.

BTW..... I have a friend with an autistic son.

Her parents begged to pay for and take him to the doctor for testing, long before she was ready to face it.

She spent the majority of her time getting angry at everyone around her for 'causing' her son's behavior.... very sad.

What part did I play?  The kid got along well with my children and was stable playdating at my home, though quiet and off on his own..... so,

I wasn't as brave as you.... I didn't urge her to get him tested.  I confused testing for austism with ADHD testing and told her they couldn't tell so early.  I wasn't educated about it and I don't know if I could have talked her into testing any earlier if I had been.

I doubt it but...... now she wishes she'd had him tested earlier bc she sees how early intervention really helped other children. 

Not her son, who's large, 4yo, bites and rages..... still poops in his pants and has a party with it all over the floor, walls and bed and was dx'd about the time she gave birth to a third very large boy who she's watching for signs of autism now.   

::shaking head::  I don't have enough energy to feel guilt about that one though.   

I can't imagine what life will be for them if he continues on the path he's on. 

Their entire family life orbits around their son's rages. 

They have a DAN appt. in TX in a couple months. 

It gives them hope.